What Else is on Atlantis?
Author: Rhiannon -
Summary: An elf, a dragon, a unicorn, and a vampire discuss wizards
Word Count: 500
Rating: PG
Characters: John, Rodney, Carson, Radek
Pairing: John/Rodney/Carson with John/Rodney/Carson/Radek implied
Genre: AU
Warning: Crackfic, rating for poor treatment of dragons
Sequel To: Severusslave’s Fairy Tale Creature SeriesDisclaimer: Don’t own, don’t sue, don’t have any money anyway.
Author's Note: Somehow a virus, fever, lemonade, and Tylenol turned to crack in my veins after I read
severusslave’s Fairy Tale Creature Series and watched a particular movie. Thanks to Severusslave for letting me run with her idea. Mouseover the Czech for a translation. If it doesn’t work for you, the translations are also at the bottom of the story.
The Fae refer to a type human-looking and sized magical beings who live in forests or other remote areas. They have the power to change their appearance, enchant humans, alter the flow of time, to curse or cure humans, and sometimes crossbreeding with humans. They are also called Elves, the Fair Folk, Vanir, or Fairies (not to be confused with the tiny winged variety that live in flowers and such).
“So, Rodney, why you leave Earth?” Radek asked over dinner in their quarters one evening.
“ Zatraceně mnoho! What happened?”
“Wait, I’m confused. What’s wrong with wizards?” John asked.
“Aye, I’ve never had any problems with ‘em,” Carson said.
“Well, John, you’re one of the Fae, and they hold your kind in high regard. And you, Mr. Unicorn, they would give their lives to protect you, at least in your non-human form. That’s hardly the case with Radek or me,” Rodney snarled, hands turning into claws.
“ Ano. If you tell, I will tell why they hate vampires.”
Rodney closed his eyes to compose himself, returning to fully human form. “I spent some time in Europe in the mid 1990’s, flying through some of the more remote areas, taking some time off from being human, when a small group of wizards found me. Expert dragon hunters, too. Before I realized what had happened, I was in a damn cage, dazed. Then in a flash of light and nausea I was suddenly transported to a forest. There were three other caged dragons there, all mad as hell, which I was working up to. The next day I found my self chained by the neck to some rocks, surrounded by an arena full of wizards. I had an egg, and instinct kicked in. I was ready to kill anyone who came near my egg. Some young whelp of a wizard stole it from me, which was apparently the point. After the other three had their eggs stolen, we were taken away from the stadium and set free. I don’t know where they took me, but I stayed as far away from Europe as possible, and always in human form on Earth after that.”
“Is tha’ all they wanted, Rodney, to have some sort of fun at your expense?” Carson asked.
“No, Carson, that’s not all. I was sure I was going to be slaughtered. Do either of you know what they make their wands out of?” Rodney glared at John and Carson. “Dragon heartstring, which is a nice way of saying cardiac muscle fibers. Oh, yeah, I almost forgot - they like to make gloves out of the skin of my kind.”
“Oh, dear Lord, Rodney. I had no idea. In ma natural form they want a few hairs from ma mane for their wands, but tha’s it. I even get a good groomin’ for it.”
“You and John are considered to be Light creatures or beings. You’re protected. Not so with Radek and myself.”
“See, Rodney is wild creature to them, and I am viscous, evil being. Evil wizards want to recruit vampires to do their bidding, light wizards want to kill all of us. There is no in-between to any of them, all vampires are evil, all dragons are animals.”
“I get the idea. Damn, I’m glad I haven’t met up with one,” John said as he shook his head.
“Yeah, well, who knows what else is on Atlantis?” Rodney muttered gloomily.
Zatraceně mnoho! - Damn the lot!
Ano - yes