
Feb 21, 2007 16:35

Where has the week gone? The week and a half? Time flys by so quickly, and I had nothing interesting to post about... oiy...

Aaaanyhow. I went to Chris's house on Monday. Did I mention that? House was a messy, but it was cool :)

Chris is coming over tomorrow! Yay!

That is, after I talk to my councellor. It's course picking-time again, and he has me lined up with ALL 3 SCIENCES. Physic's is the main one, then Chem, and I'll probably end up with Bio 11 too. I'm tempted to switch out Chem for Bio though, 'cause I love Biology, but the Biology Provincial is the worst! But Bio is the easiest!


But other than that, things have been slow. Last semester marks got in last week, straight A's ranging between 86%-93% (In Canada, A=86% or more) but nothing more. Highest mark was Planning a 93, then I had 89 in Japanese... it goes downhill from there.

I currently have 92.3% in Math! Yaaaay~

On the weekend I taught Liz how to ride a bike (Well, we got started, she needs some work but she's capable) and I bought Imogen Heap's CD! I'm so happy ;o; I've been searching for her stuff... forever. She got nominated for a Grammy this year (Best New Artist I believe?) and all of a sudden everyone's like 'Ah! I listen to her!'

;o; It's so awesome. I feel proud to support my artists! Even better now since she had to take out a morgage on her house in order to pay for the recording/producing of the CD.

x3 Other than that, it's been a slow coupl'a weeks. I got out early today, that's about the most interesting thing to happen so far... x3

corses, math, imogen, marks, heap, house, percent, slow, cd, school, music, crush, a, planning, monday, chris, semester, love, grades, courses, album, visit, imogen heap, course picking

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