(no subject)

Mar 18, 2011 22:15

Last night Megan was awake from 1 till nearly 3. We tried getting her to go back in the sleep for nearly 2 hours then gave up and brought her back in bed with us. She's had a 2 hour nap today and went of pretty quickly at bedtime so fingers crossed it is just her teeth and a temporary thing. She still only has 4 but as usual I am sure I can see the white under her gums in a couple of places.

Ben was being really sweet today. He sat on my lap for some cuddles while Megan was having her lap and said "I love you" and "You're my friend" (he says I love you a lot back to me but it is always so sweet when it comes out of nowhere which it did today). Ian was off so I got to walk him down to nursery by himself and he was really chatty and funny all the way.

Our friends who I was talking about last time are having a go at making their marriage work. We're seeing them for the first time since (well, Ian has seen Tony a couple of times separately) it all kicked off tomorrow at Barney's. I think it is really important that they carry on doing normal stuff like meeting up with us for a playdate but I still feel a bit awkward, like I've accidentally seen them naked or something. It is normally busy in there on weekends so the babies should keep us pretty busy and there shouldn't be too many awkward pauses.

Next week is going to be busy. We are on strike again on Thursday - this time as part of the national action on pension reform. I don't normally work on a Thursday but I'll be going in to "woman" the picket line and there is a rally afterwards in Birmingham so I'll go along to that. I'm union rep for part time and fractional staff so I've been trying to get the message out to staff about the particular impact the pension reform will have for us - basically a move away from a final salary scheme and towards averaging out lifetime earnings will serve to reinforce and extend the effects of scaling down to raise families on the gender pay gap (currently about 14.1% in the sector). Then on Saturday it is the March for the Alternative in London. It looks set to be absolutely huge.
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