Nov 21, 2006 04:28
I HATE AUBURN! We just gave them the game! Alabama played better than them all night but it doesn't matter when you turn the ball over twice within your own 20 yard line. Next year, we better beat them. Tired of hearing Auburn fans make all those stupid jokes and everything else. Another year to listen to Adam make stupid Alabama jokes. Thank goodness Arkansas and Georgia whooped them! Speaking of Auburn fans, the day before the game at school, it was wild! Some teachers got together and yelled out "Roll Tide" and the lunchroom went crazy. I also played a trick on my students after seeing Mrs. Kelley's board. I put on the board that if you were an Alabama fan, try to see how many words you can make out of "Roll Tide". If you were an Auburn fan, you had History pages, Math pages, and write Spelling definitions all before lunchtime. I couldn't believe it but some of the students are not as quick as I thought they were. They kept on saying that's not fair and I kept on replying that it is fair if you're an Alabama fan. Two of my girls went on and on about it. They actually believed I was going to do that to them. Auburn fans are a little slow.
A lot of students cannot turn in things so on their progress reports, they have 0s. I will let them make it up if their parents come talk to me or whatever. Well, one of the smarter kids...came up to me and started to demand about his grades and all of this other crap. We looked through my stuff and he didn't have any at his desk. So he goes out and gets his dad. I told him that he hasn't turned it in and he did do it but I just don't have it. I go into detail why I haven't lost it but they assume that I lost it. If it doesn't get in the basket, I can't lose it. I take it out of the basket and it goes in my bag. I take it out and grade it and put it back. I can understand why they think I lost it b/c last week, the kid was supposed to go eat lunch with the principal b/c he sold the most stuff out of the grade. He gave me the permission slip and I didn't send it to the office. When it came time to go, I looked all over my desk and couldn't find it but it turned out ok b/c he called his mom and mom said it was ok. I ended up finding it but it was too late. Then he goes on about my room about how it is a disaster. First of all, I don't have any kind of closet or cabinets to put things. Second of all, I don't have cubbies like a lot of other classrooms and 4th grade has a lot more books and needed materials. That is why I have the tubs and they are against the wall all over the room. I know it doesn't look good but if I didn't have the tubs, stuff would be everywhere. Third, the comment about "I'm sure the children will help you", well yeah, most of them, but there is still the same 5 of them who could care less how their desks looks, the floor around their desks, and ones I have asked to pick up their stuff no telling how many times for them to just ignore me and I can't stop and get on to them when I have ten other things I'm trying to do at the same time. And once it is time to go home, I'm so busy trying to get them out, I don't look at their desk until after school, then I move their ball and pick up their stuff to buy back. My desk is clean in the morning, but at the end of the day, there is no telling what is on it b/c I don't get to sit at it...I just put something down, get what I need, and I'm back to teaching. Anyway, we agreed to talk about it with Mr. Sellers. I went to talk to Mr. Sellers about it and he said don't worry about it. I hate having conflict and I know he probably did do it so I'm going to drop the grades and tell them to make sure he puts it in my hand from now on. The more and more I think about this...I have not lost any papers to grade. This child has turned in things days later than when they were supposed to be turned in, has had a messy desk before with papers on the floor...his papers might have been picked up by one of my helpers and thrown in the trash for all I know...and takes his own time doing things like lining up when I've told them to line up a long time ago. He is already worried about college. Come're in 4th grade. Yes, it is important to make good grades...but not to the point when you go crazy and start talking about college and other stuff. Chill and start turning in those papers!
Well, everything I suspected about Jeff and some of I had no clue about...was true. Already suspected he had bad checks...already suspected these supposed vehicles were not where he said they were...already suspected that the times I wanted you to come hang out or eat that you would make up some excuse b/c you didn't want to, you had something you would rather do, or didn't have to lie about it. I was stupid enough all of these years to believe it. Every once and a while, you would sprinkle the truth in or what appeared to be the truth...but I can't believe I had so much faith in you that you lied to me about a lot of stupid stuff for whatever reason. You probably don't realize what is true or not true anymore. Now what is worse is that you have an anger management that I had no clue that you had except for once in a while a brief phrase would come out but definitely not to the extent to assault. No telling how many times you have been thrown in jail as well. And for the way you treat girls, some of them might deserve it but what you did to most of them, for a while, I have felt like you were wrong in using one after another...cheating on several of them...and leaving some without anything. Even saying that your girlfriend's child was actually yours and getting an uniform from a place you never did work at? So paranoid about someone cheating on you when you do cheat anyway? What is wrong with you? You were one I always tried to be like in some ways throughout high school but now, I'm glad that I'm not and never was. Sorry, real friends don't tell continuous matter how stupid or small they are. Now the question is...what do I do? If I confront you, all it is will be another lie after another lie and probably some lost trust that you have in me. You have betrayed me and told me so many lies about so many things, it isn't even funny. I don't need your ex-girlfriend to call me up and tell me all these things. All she did was help put the pieces together and even though, I should believe you over her...I can't...b/c of what I've observed as well and what I have suspected for a long time. I guess the only thing to do is pray...and hope I can figure out someway to help you...even if it is very hurtful decision such as testifying in front of a court...if it comes to that. Jeff, you could have been so much better.