Title: 5 pranks that ended in tears
Characters: Random members of La Selección
Word Count: 1,129
Rating: PG. Swearing, but that's about it.
Disclaimer: Not true. Never met them, don’t own them, etc, etc. You know the drill.
Author’s Notes: My goal for the next prompt is to make these not so long. D: I’m sorry, I just can’t stop myself. My next
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“And? We put superglue on his gloves, remember?”
Sergio’s eyes widened. “Oh, shit.”
Íker gives in and buries his head in his arms and decides he will never forgive them for making him cry.
When the rest of them find out, they all look guilty because they’ve all threatened to do it. No one owns up to it, because no one wants to be ‘The guy who made Cesc cry’.
Íker replaces it with a brand new copy, and Cesc, in all his childishness, promptly forgets about it.
Oh, god. My heart broke into little, teeny pieces and then Iker!tape came along and mended it. ♥
“I think that one’s a star.” He tilts Fernando’s head the other way. “And this”― he traces another pattern on his other cheek― “is a heart!”
Cesc presses his ear against the door and stares at Sergio. “He’s crying. You broke him! I’m telling!” And with that, he flees from the room.
David looks like he’s in awe. “God, Cesc, how long did it take you?”
“A long time. My fingertips are numb now. But it helped that Puyol sleeps like a log.”
now that. that right there. that's dedication to your cause.
“Sergio said he’d give me a bag of cookies if I did it.” Cesc shrugs. “And Xabi wouldn’t let you kill me.”
Xabi raises his eyebrow at him. “Aren’t you being a little presumptuous?”
Cesc rubs his head. “Don’t worry, Íker, your hair is growing. It’s like a peach now. A fuzzy peach.”
...can't...type...from....all...the...laughing. *faints*
yep. am totally not going to be able to compare to this. @___@
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