Tagged by both
girlspell and
ladywhizbee , I bow to the inevitable.
The so-called rules of the meme...
A) People who have been tagged must write their answers on their blogs & replace any question that they dislike with a new question formulated by themselves.
B) Tag 8 people to do this quiz & those who are tagged cannot refuse. Oh bosh! Of course they can refuse! Who thinks up these stupid rules? These people must state who they were tagged by & cannot tag the person whom they were tagged by. Continue this game by sending it to other people.
Here we go:
1. How has LJ changed your life?
Hasn’t, really. I know a lot neat people I never knew before, including those who tagged me and those I’m tagging. It also got me into my writer’s group.
2. What do you do before bedtime?
Depends. Load the dishwasher; read; write; fool around on LJ; other stuff I’m not telling. :)
3. What will your dream wedding be like?
Definitely a girl-question. I liked my wedding: Seating in the round, several friends who spoke, both the rabbi I grew up with and the minister my wife grew up with, ocean in sight, great food.
4. What is the city of your dreams and why?
There are many cities I adore: Victoria (BC), Toronto, Siena, Bergen (Norway), San Francisco. These are small cities with neat people, interesting history and usually great food. (Do you notice a theme yet?) I’m also fond of Providence, where I live, and Boston, where I almost lived.
5. Are you an introvert or extrovert?
Introvert. Always have been.
6. Do you trust easily?
7. Is there anything that has made you happy these days?
Going to the Wesleyan Writers Conference was like a vacation, summer camp, intensive seminar, sentimental walk through my past and name-dropping opportunity all rolled into one.
8. Is being tagged fun?
It’s always nice to be asked to do anything by anyone - nice to be thought of. But memes, in general, are silly things, and this one’s no exception…
9. What should you be doing instead of wasting time on this meme?
Writing or reading.
10. Will Andy Murray win Wimbledon?
I’m calling the department containing the people who care.
11. Would you have 100% safe sex with a stranger for $10,000,000?
This question was written by a 16-year-old, probably a suburban girl. I mean, really. It has that particular brand of silliness of which one is incapable after the age of 25.
However, let me opine that this is probably a markedly different question for a woman than for a man, probably a markedly different question for a married person than for a single person, and a markedly different question for a middle-aged person and a teenager.
12. What's better to give or to receive?
To give. And also I agree with Plato, that it is “better to suffer evil than to do it.”
13. What were your parents going to name you if you'd been born the opposite gender?
14. What kind of person do you think the person who tagged you is?
They’re both sweethearts. Especially they are supportive and encouraging of my attempts to be creative.
15. What’s your favorite item of clothing?
I’m not sure there are many straight men who think in such terms, but I really like my sky-blue linen suit.
16. What websites do you visit daily?
LJ and Duotrope are the only ones I reliably visit these days.
17. What color are Charlie Weasley’s eyes?
I’m making another call to the people-who-care department.
18. Name a book character you’ve crushed on.
Crushes on fictional characters. On fictional characters. *Shakes head.*
I think Elizabeth Bennett would be a fun date. So would Harriet Vane. I’ve had inappropriate thoughts about Hermione Granger, but I think that’s a matter for therapy.
19. What do you like for breakfast?
Lots of things. Pancakes (I have the world’s best recipe); melted cheese on toast; peanut butter & marmalade on toast; Cheerios with bananas; oatmeal with raisins or dried cherries; bagels with cream cheese and lox; eggs and bacon; shall I go on?
20. How many questions did you change? Come on ‘fess up.
None. (I used Meredith’s list.)
I tag:
spinozany rosalinanarnen praetorianguard minisinoo joianoel awrence clcb58 madderbrad