Title: Fly
rhennyPairings: KyuSung/YeKyu
Genre: Fluff, Romance
Rating: G
Length: one-shot
Summary: Why Yesung wasn't angry?
A/N: I'm productive :D might contain errors
Dedicated to: Hoshi(
allspecialsmile) Happy Birthday Hoshi!I know you love the FLY moment so this is for you. Sorry if it's short and incoherent (and totally imaginary lol)
Fly )
Comments 2
Thank you so much for writing that. I know you don't really like writing canon but I'm happy you did it again for me. And FLY...you know I love it hehe. You included real facts again (I even had to look for Kyuhyun's tweet because I didn't remember what he said exactly) and I'm so thankful because you took the time to write something for me this year too. <3
Thank you so much Rhen. For writing, editing, looking for fancams, making gifs, being my friend...you're awesome ♥♥♥
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