Title: Christmas Drabbles
Pairing(s): Kyuhyun/Yesung (KyuSung/YeKyu)
Genre: fluff, romance, AU
Summary: 4 Drabbles for Christmas
Rating: G
turtleclouds (Nana thank you very much for the help! this will fail without your help! love you!)
Author's Note: Yay! Merry Christmas and Seasons Greetings to everyone^^ have a nice holiday~
Merry Christmas~ )
I don't think I told you how much I loved these when I looked over them for you ♥ You have no idea how excited I was when I heard you had new drabbles xD
Here. Have a long incoherent comment from Nana.
Drabble 1:
I loved that whole idea about being obsessed with his hair. I absolutely loved that image of having them meet at a park, and the image of sitting together side by side in the autumn on that park bench is gorgeous. I did think Kyuhyun was a little spoilt at first, seeing as how obsessed he was with what he was going to get for xmas, but it all turned out alright :)
Drabble 2:
I loved this one so much! I liked how Kyuhyun was both assertive, but at the same time he really wanted to please Jongwoon. And Jongwoon's horrible for forgetting to get the beloved maknae a present. But at least it all worked out, and Kyuhyun wasn't offended about the lack of a gift :D
Drabble 3:
I really really liked how you used the format of writing a letter to Santa. Kid!Jongwoon and Kid!Kyuhyun is always cute (unless you bump the ratings up, in which case it becomes creepy and wrong). It was so fluffy I nearly shed tears of sparkles and rainbows hehe.
Drabble 4:
I think it'd be interesting to read a longer fic based on this AU. I can totally picture Kyuhyun as the work obsessed office boss who somewhat terrifies all of his workers. I'm glad Jongwoon changed him though ^^ I would hate to be his secretary and have to work. I would love to read about what happened between them, and how they got back together again ^^ I'm glad that Jongwoon and Kyuhyun got back together. AFTER ALL, OUR PRECIOUS OTP CAN NEVER BE SEPARATED FOR A LONG PERIOD OF TIME!!
Hehe. Bottom line, I loved all of them :) I have a very very soft spot for 2 & 3 though!
Love you Rhen!
Merry Christmas :) ♥
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