Title: Alternate Universe
Pairing: YeKyu/KyuSung,
Genre: Romance, Fluff, AU
Rating: G
Length: one-shot
Prompt: parallel universe
Summary: Kyuhyun wonders how his life with Jongwoon would be if they were idols in an alternate universe.
Note: Might contain errors^^ Happy Birthday dearest Kim Jongwoon! We love you^^ (especially Kyuhyun! XD)
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Comments 7
That was cute ^^
And the alternate universe is a wonderful idea XD That made me wish the world your created was the real one. I like the idea of them loving eachother without problem ^^
A nice birthday fic, thanks !
Love this one sooooo much...>_<
Sooo cuteee...♥♥♥
Awww....Kyusung kiss...XD
My fav part -----> "Whatever alternate universe or world we are, I know that we'll always end up falling in love with each other. Destiny will find a way to bring the two of us together!"
Aaaahhhhh...love this words...^^♥
Ur fic always make me love KyuSung more more more and moree...Thanks..!!! ^^
I'm kinda curious, though, what actually has made Yesung limp? 'bedroom activity' or playing Wii? but how can playing Wii made someone limp?
thank you for writing this ^^
super batman!
good job!
so cute and flufyy!!!
and Kyusung kiss!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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