Title: Drunk!Kyu + Ddangkoma's Email + Sick!Yesung
Pairing: KyuSung
Genre: Romance, Crack, Fluff
Rating: PG-13 (minor cursing)
Length: drabbles
Summary: Kyuhyun got drunk. Ddangkoma sent Kyuhyun an email. Yesung got sick
Dedicated to: Naz/
midnight ^^ Happy Birthday Naz! weird fluff!
Note: might contain errors.
The drunk!Kyu is the cutest ever!!! I love how he clings on Yesung and keep saying Yesung is nice and he wants to sleep with Yesung (ooohhhhh evillllllll lol). Oh but then it seems to be he's acting huh? Is he really drunk? Such an evil maknae even when he's drunk XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD
Ddangkkoma's email is really... Just never thought of it! If I were Kyuhyun I would be scared to death if I receive an email from an animal XDDDDD let alone it's a TURTLE XDDDD. But Kyuhyun can be so calm, he even called Yesung to ask XDDD. Oh maybe because he has a weird Yesung around, so weird things can be normal to him XDDDDDDD. And then it turned out Yesung did teach his turtle this XDDDDDD. I just laughed so much, lol. I mean I know this is just fanfiction, but it's still so funny. Haha, what if this is true ;))))))))))
Awww... the sick Yesung is still so caring and loving towards his dongsaeng... And the childish Kyuhyun can't even manage to cook him a dish other than ramyun XDDDDDDDD. But the ramyun comes from his love to his hyung... love ramyun XDDDDDDD
I just love cute fics like this so muuuuuuuuuuch XD
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