Title: Drunk!Kyu + Ddangkoma's Email + Sick!Yesung
Pairing: KyuSung
Genre: Romance, Crack, Fluff
Rating: PG-13 (minor cursing)
Length: drabbles
Summary: Kyuhyun got drunk. Ddangkoma sent Kyuhyun an email. Yesung got sick
Dedicated to: Naz/
midnight ^^ Happy Birthday Naz! weird fluff!
Note: might contain errors.
I want e-mails from Dongkoma! Seriously, that would be awsome. Get him to give me inside info on the suju dorms and schedules and what's on Jongwoon's mind. hehe. Only Jongwoon would teach a turtle how to use a compture and self defense just in case of an emergency. Good thing he sent the second messege when he did or Kyuhyun would've told Jongwoon that his turtle is looking out for him.
How did Kyuhyun be able to be alone in the kitchen for 2 hours and not have anyone come and investigate? I mean, Sungmin and Wookie are so protective of the kitchen and Kyu can't cook. But it's so sweet of him to want to make something for Jongwoon when he's sick and take care of his hyung like his hyung takes care of him. He fusses so much over Jongwoon, it's cute^^
Ahh I loved all three of them so much, Rhen.^^ and none were AU.
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