Title: Carpe Diem Pairing: KyuSung Genre: Romance, AU Rating: G Length: drabble Prompt: Carpe Diem Summary: a drabble on how Kyuhyun managed to ask Yesung to a date. Note: 2 Drabbles from the same AU
I really like this one. my favorite, so far. maybe because it somehow hinted YeKyu? =p but seriously, it's very sweet. and cute (?) ^^ thank you for writing this.
Comments 13
but seriously, it's very sweet. and cute (?) ^^
thank you for writing this.
this one's your favorite? Nice~ (lol I just realized I prefer dominant!Yesung XD)
thank you so much for reading and commenting~ love^^
Seems like more people like dominant!Yesung now. ^^
Btw, do you have the picture of the third motion of your gif above?
There may not be much things happening right now but, one day. Some day. Maybe...6jib (See? I don't place much hope on Seoul Encore right now)?
thank you~ I have always thought that Kyu is either bold or shy XD
more KyuSung please!!!
Thank you for reading and commenting!
sorry for the late reply... OTL
sorry for the late reply... OTL
i like the kyu that think tomorrow never come :DD
just say you want sungie now kyuuu :DDDD
Thanks for the post :DD like it a lot :D
sorry for the late reply... OTL
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