Title: KyuSung Drabbles
Pairing: KyuSung
Genre: Romance, Fluff, AU
Rating: G
Length: drabbles
Prompts: Vase, Sunrise, Game, Cappuccino
Summary: random KyuSung drabbles~
Note: HAPPY KYUSUNG DAY! April 13, 2012^^ there are many errors! read at your own risk! will post the edited version when
ayu_mi_chan 's laptop cooperates! LOL KyuSung/YeKyu fighting^^
kyusung is love )
Comments 8
now which do i like the most? they're all giddy and it made me so kilig! >.< no but seriously, it really did. I think i love cappuccino the best. it's sweet and i like yesung fanboying over kyu. :))
wait! i actually love vases more! kyuhyun feeling guilty about breaking the newly bought vase and smiling at yesung who saved it. ahh~ i can imagine their faces! i love it!
no, actually, i love sunrise. i love how Yesung pulled Kyu inside because he wanted to have a cup of coffee with him and how he subtly defined yesung as 'his' sunrise. it's sweet and fluffy. just the way i like it! :))
i'm so weird. in reality, my vote goes to gamer! though it was confusing it was sweet and i really, really love it. what game did you use? Ragnarok pops in my mind. >.i actually love everything, honestly. i'm weird i know. but weird people are interesting! and i'm adorable! (just go with it) it's sad Kyusung Day has to end but i had fun. this is a good fic and i really love it. it's the ( ... )
My favourite one is the last, but I also really enjoyed the sunrise and vase prompts. Trust Yesung to always be the weird, interesting one to butt into Kyuhyun's life lol
Somehow, I have a weakness for idol fics, so the last one was really lovely to read. Oh Kyuhyun, can you be any less subtle xP
I got even more excited when you mentioned they were unfinished one-shots ;) So. Can we readers expect the finished ones in the future? XD
I love your drabbles (I laughed for the 3rd one xD). Thank you for everything you did, and again...Happy KyuSung Day to you ♥♥♥
ILU Rhen!~ *hugs*
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