Title: Sky & Sea (The Drowning)
Pairing: KyuSung
Genre: Romance, Fantasy, AU
Rating: G
Length: one-shot
Prompt: Drown
Summary: A sky mage Jongwoon is drowning and a sea mage Kyuhyun comes to the rescue. What will happen after that?
Note: will be celebrating KyuSung day on April 13^^ Prequel to
thisBeta: Sis
ayu_mi_chan thank you so much Edy^^
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thank you so much Edy! I hope I didn't caused so much trouble... XD
You're welcome, my dear! You didn't cause any problems at all! It was a pleasure for me. And a nice experience as I had already said I never beta'ed a story before. And I think I spotted one spelling mistake I missed and one, small, missing word while scrolling down lmao xD But I hope there's nothing else left wrong with it. I need to work on my English a little more.
And as I already said earlier, I really loved this story! I really like the change of the story with the added scenes about marriage. It made them feel closer to each other talking about such things, more intimate. You can see a connection forming between the two of them here ^^
And I loved your explanation how Jongwoon clumsily found himself in that situation xD Perfect.
Also liked what you added to the parting scene.
Yeah, I think I'm starting to ramble too much already so I'm finishing already. As I said before, if you ever need help again, don't even hesitate to ask. I'll always be glad to try to help you. This way I will also polish my English skills hahaha
(I need to get some more kpop icons to use lol have only one Yesung orz)
Waiting for more from you. Great job. Love you~ <3
good thing you beta'ed my fic... I'm totally not gonna check it and post it immediately. I'm really thankful!!!!!!!
you are the one who suggested it^^ wouldn't make it without you!
I'm really thankful that you know what are the missing elements in the story... I'm going crazy figuring out what is missing... TT.TT
Thank you for giving me permission to ask for help again^^ *I'll be disturbing you again... hehehe XD*
I saw you have great handsome bishies as icon... so handsome...
doing a one-shot right now.... will ask for your help later....
Thank you very much again Edy^^ Love yah^^
Beta'ed but still left few mistakes. If i beta again some fic I will need to do a little better job.
I don't really know! I just thought it would be it, I wasn't really sure, you know. It was just a suggestion. I'm usually blind to everything like that because many times I don't think if sometimes is missing if I like the story. And even if I do I don't know what exactly is missing. So probably if I will write a story I won't know what's missing too ^^
There shouldn't even be a need for permission. We're friends here and you help friends XD
Yeah nothing like handsome bishes as icons *o* (this time uses Break lmao XD )
As i said, I'll be waiting for it~
You're welcome~ <3 love you too~
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