Goals for 2010

Jan 27, 2010 13:20

When did I become a boring old fart?

When did I become complacent and stop up the fountain of creativity that has been so important throughout my life?

I can see the tumbleweeds being blown across a dusty plain of a neglected writing landscape here.

It seems I have lost my writing and drawing mojo and I need to get it back!

It seems I have lost my way a little and I’ve let the stress of work and emotional disfunction get the better of me!

Wow, emotional disfucntion she says, that’s over dramatising it a bit! I guess what I mean is the ups and downs of relationships.

Yesterday was Australia Day and what did I do? I stayed late at work because it’s just insanely busy at the moment. But I don’t really care about that. I just miss Australia sometimes and Australia Day really brings it home how much I miss being able to see my family and feel the heat of a the Aussie summer in my bones.

UK winters really rip your soul bare and after 9 years I am starting to get a wee bit sick of it.

Thing is I’m here for at least another 3-4 years as my partner needs to stay to be able to start applying for UK citizenship. He’s from the gorgeous island of Hispaniola, the Dominican Republic side of it.

And yes, his family did feel the earthquake only not on the same scale as Haiti, but they did feel it.

I have a few goals I need to achieve this year.

Lose weight - yes as ever still need to sort this out, why am I so bloody lazy?

Save money - likes sands through an hourglass so to money flows through my hands, why am I so rubbish at saving?

Get creative again - I seem to have purposely or unconsciously stopped writing and drawing.

Build my friendships up - I am such a recluse it’s ridiculous, I do enjoy being home but too much leads to laziness and a sedentary lifestyle which i do not want!

Build my character into a more positive shape - I need to stop whining and be more proactive instead of reactive.

Set small goals during the year and start building up to bigger goals as they are achieved.
Most important of all strengthen my relationship with my partner. I need to fix small holes and gaps where small adjustments to attitude are needed.

This man is my life, I need to change things before I lose the most wonderful person I have ever met? He fills me completely, emotionally, intellectually and physically. I need to show him exactly what he means to me!
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