Known side affects of depo provera

Sep 19, 2005 17:04

I am figuring a lot of my current problems are stemming from my depo shots. I just don't know of an alternative that I approve of other than him or me getting snipped. :/ I found this list, but hadn't even occurred to me that these problems may be related to the depo .. now I am a bit worried.

50lb weight gain
Extreme Excitability, Nervousness
Panic Attacks, Paranoia
Shortness of Breath
Great loss of libido
Painful intercourse
Severe lack of lubrication
Violent headaches
Extremely sore, stiff, crippled muscles all over body
Blurry vision
Severe neck and shoulder pain
Jaw pain.. facial pain
Breast Tenderness & Pains
Concentration and memory problems
Depression and Suicida thoughts
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