Fandom nostalgia

Jun 14, 2011 00:12

An attack of inexplicable fannish nostalgia has me in its grip.

X-Files was my first real slash fandom, Mulder/Krycek my first OTP. )

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rheasilvia June 13 2011, 22:29:05 UTC
OMG, now that you mention it, I do have a vague memory of the eggbeater challenge, but it's frighteningly unclear... I really did forget it!

But I also forgot the Lone Gunmen in the poll, and a bunch of other things. Then again, if I packed in *everything*, it'd be 50 pages long. :-)

the scene where Mulder dragged Krycek to Skinner's and shirtless Skinner sucker-punched Krycek and chained him to the balcony, and omg, that scene is hotter than ever.


In fact, Mulder never once manages to beat up on Krycek without it looking a whole lot like kinky sex. (It doesn't help that it just isn't very believable that Mulder of all people can beat up Krycek without Krycek letting him - and certainly not the way Mulder actually does it. *g*)

Also, I tend to burn out on fandoms I write fic for, so I expect I'll be done with the Vampire Diaries by the end of S4 at the latest. ;-)

What, really? Every fandom? That's really sad! What about HP?

Eeeek, you know what? I just realized that I pretty much burned out on SPN, too. I had just completely forgotten about it. O_O Although... hm. Maybe not. I could still read Dean/Castiel, if it was good...


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rheasilvia June 13 2011, 22:48:30 UTC
HP has a bad reputation for that kind of thing, I've heard - looks like it's well-deserved. That tart! Someone should really put a stop to its evuhl ways. *tsk*

Fandom can definitely be a source of fannish stress, yes. But the more I think about it, the more I realize canon itself plays a larger role with me than I'd have suspected. In two cases that I can think of, I stopped watching the canon to avoid burning out on the fanfic - Smallville and Merlin.


Without apropos... rheasilvia June 13 2011, 22:49:54 UTC
(God, Dean is so gorgeous. Jensen needs to hie himself hence to a different, *good* series ASAP.)


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Re: Without apropos... rheasilvia June 14 2011, 10:32:54 UTC
Ouch, Skinner doesn't do things halfway...

The whole balcony thing was awesome, because Krycek was both so desperate and so tricky and so lethal, even when handcuffed to a balcony. :-)

(Edited for icon. *g*)


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