On the topic of endearments... (Eroica snippet)

Apr 01, 2011 16:09

Because the problem of finding the right endearment in a language you don't speak came up on a mailing list. :-)

Disclaimer: Remember, folks, don't recklessly choose endearments! It may be hazardous to your health.

"Mausi," said Dorian, Earl of Red Gloria, otherwise known as Eroica, art thief extraordinaire. He paused and considered the sound of the word, frowning slightly. No… Not quite right. Too soft.

He lifted the book a little and found the next candidate, pausing to pose in front of the mirror before he spoke again. "Hasi," he said decisively.

Hmm. Not perfect, but better, definitely better. He said it again and decided that it sounded rather nice. Properly short and firm, but soft at the same time. He smiled at his reflection, admiring the way his eyes glowed. He was truly a devastatingly handsome man. His Hasi would not be able to resist him, he was quite certain.

As good as entirely certain. Almost without a doubt.

"Well then, Hasi," Dorian muttered and looked down as an afterthought to discover what the endearment he'd chosen actually meant.

Oh *no*. Bunny? No way. Klaus would strangle him.


"Okay, let's see. Bärchen, Brummbär, Mausepfötchen. What the *hell*?" Little mouse paw? Dorian had always known the Germans were strange, but this was seriously frightening.

"Tiger." Dorian laughed. "Dear me, better pass on that one. Honigmäulchen. Little honey snout? Heavens. Schatz, Liebling, Liebchen, how boring and unoriginal… Schnuckelchen. Sounds too cute, and what… oh, little snuggler, now that is simply inaccurate. Herzblatt."

Leaf of my heart. Poetic. Lovely. Accurate - although volume or library of my heart might have done better, considering how much space the man occupied in the organ in question. Unfortunately, the sound of the word was not quite as romantic as what it entailed. So… the nice-sounding but suicidal Hasi or the phonetically unsatisfactory but semantically perfect Herzblatt?

"Or something a little more in the practical range… Goldschatz. My golden treasure."

eroica, fanfic

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