"Well if you wanted to wear shoes, you shouldn't have grown such large feet, should you!"

Jan 10, 2011 19:37

I don't like buying shoes. This is not because I dislike shoes as such, but because I am: a) female, b) tall, and so c) don't have dainty little size 38 feet (if I did, I would tip over). You'd think this wasn't a totally surprising and unique condition, but the manufacturers of women's shoes beg to differ.

Anyway, just before Xmas I went on a shoe-finding expedition into each and every shoe store in several cities, because I needed winter boots. This led to much wailing, gnashing of teeth, apologetic shrugging on the part of shoe salespeople, and general despair. But!! In a surprise twist of fate, I actually found a pair of beautiful, comfortable, not even expensive winter boots.

And today, I snagged the tip of one of them on the underside of a jutting metal step, and pretty much ruined them.

Waaaaah. *headdesk*

What do you think: Does this mean I now have no choice but to order these expensive boots online…?

real life

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