Happy 2011, everyone! And: Kame experts wanted...

Jan 03, 2011 17:14

May your year be better than the last in every way, and bring you only good things. :-)

Although I don't have anything so formal as New Year's resolutions, there are many things I hope to change in 2011. And there are also things I hope to finish, including my epic slash novel!

But first things first. :-) I've started out by finishing my help_pakistan story for the wonderful krysyuy, who has been very patient. Soooo... would anyone be willing to have a look at 5,000 words of Junno/Kame, rated R, and tell me what they think? I'd be extremely grateful! Kame experts are especially welcome, since this is my first time with this pairing.

And one more thing: If you haven't signed up for a January card yet, but would like to have one, there's still time!

cards, rambling

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