Meme: 15 words of crossover madness

Dec 05, 2009 15:39

Meme-time! Seen all over, and too much to resist.

The rules:
1. Write down the names of 10 characters.
2. Write a fic of fifteen words or less for every prompt, using the characters determined by the numbers. Do NOT read the prompts before you do step 1.

My characters:
1. Junno (Johnny's Entertainment)
2. Ryo (Johnny's Entertainment)
3. Methos (Highlander)
4. Saionji (Utena)
5. Tatsumi (Yami no Matsuei)
6. Lex (Smallville)
7. Gojyo (Saiyuki)
8. Hakkai (Saiyuki)
9. Seishirou (Tokyo Bablyon / X1999)
10. Subaru (Tokyo Bablyon / X1999)

The stories:

First time, 4 and 6 (Saionji/Lex)

Lex never could resist the pretty, broody heroic ones.

Especially when they let him top.

Angst, 7 (Gojyo)


Too late - too late; Gyomaoh's foot descended unstoppably on Gojyo's last bottle of conditioner.

AU 1 and 8 (Junno and Hakkai)

Hakkai sighed, but kicked Dragon into hyperspace.

Junno grinned. "Save the princess, save the world!"

Threesome, 3, 6, 9 (Methos, Lex, Seishirou - and can I say OMFG?)

The Morally Ambiguous Masterminds and Puppetmasters Convention had never been so much fun.

Hurt/Comfort, 5/10 (Tatsumi/Subaru)

"Don't worry." Tatsumi pulled out the relevant form. "We've got his afterlife number right here."

Crack, 1 (Junno)

Sparkly idol by day - black-latex-wearing avenger by night.

Tokyo could sleep easy on his watch.

Horror, 10 (Subaru)

The sakura was devouring mindless hunger, nothing more. Subaru could not find Seishirou anywhere.

Baby fic, 5 and 9 (Tatsumi and Seishirou)

Tatsumi tickled the future 14th Sumeragi clan head under the chin.

This would be interesting.

Dark, 2 and 8 (Ryo and Hakkai)

"Surely you don't truly believe we should sing 'Bisuturoh' first, Nishikido-san," Hakkai said, and smiled.

Romance, 4 and 7 (Saionji and Gojyo)

Gojyo hadn't expected Saionji to be so vulnerable, or so strong.

He liked it, though.

Death fic, 2 and 3 (Ryo and Methos)

"Sorry, kid," the gaijin said. "Nothing personal - just having a bad century."

meme, crack, fanfic

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