Revisited: The "Bag, Shag or Crag" Meme. With pictures!

Apr 08, 2009 02:16

I have been tagged for this meme yet again. But I promise that this will be my last post about this - at least this year! :-)

The (slightly modified) rules are:

Several of you named three characters, and I have picked one to push off a cliff, one to marry and one to shag. Here are my choices, with pictures of the characters in question.

If you comment, let me know if you want me to give you three characters so you can make the same kind of tough choice. *g*

solo____ gave me Dorian Red Gloria, Earl of Gloria (From Eroica With Love), Saionji Kyouichi (Revolutionary Girl Utena), and Arisugawa Sorata (X 1999).

Which, argh. I don't want to marry, shag *or* cliff any one of these characters. But...

Marry Sorata.

I'm not sure we could ever truly fall in love - we're not really each others' types. But I could love him, I think. Sorata is a great guy - smart and quirky, loyal, with a very positive outlook on life. He knows how to have fun and is fine with introverted, quiet women. He can be a bit stubborn, yeah, and also rash, and occasionally seriously annoying. But I could deal with that, because he is also surprisingly insightful, and sweet, and definitely someone to go through thick and thin with. So... while there would be no great passion on either of our parts, I think we could probably get along quite well.

Shag Saionji.

Mostly because I can't marry him, and I refuse to push him off a cliff.

Oh, Saionji. So damaged and bitter and twisted. And so smart and strong and courageous - the only one to break free of Akio's/Dios' power on the strength of his own will - the only one who realizes what is going on and chooses to return when he has already escaped, accepting all that means for himself with open eyes. Not for his own sake but to save his best friend... who Saionji knows has betrayed him. (And what a canon in which the consequences of this choice clearly include being groped by / having sex with the evil god while your best friend watches and / or joins in. *g*)

Long story short: I love Saionji. He is a brilliant character. And it is entirely possible - or even very likely indeed - that once free of Ohtori, he will become a great guy to marry. Loyal, smart, fierce and dedicated, passionate and so many other things... but we don't see more than a very short glimpse of this possible future in canon. And as Saionji is for most of canon, I can't marry him.

Sex with Saionji... well. This would work out very well if I were Touga - or failing that, a femme fatale of the overpowering, oversexed, full-speed-ahead Touga type. Since I'm not, however, sex with Saionji would probably be rather awkward. Saionji isn't the most extroverted and relaxed of people, and neither am I. He's also very self-conscious, and might overthink things. Not the type for a one-night-stand, really. But if we took it slow and met a couple of times so we could get used to each other, it might turn out to be rather nice. And he is certainly very handsome. And I would find out if that hair color is real. ;-)

Which forces me to:

Push Dorian off the cliff.

Initially I contemplated marrying Dorian in a hands-off, go-our-separate-ways marriage of convenience, but then I realized that this would be anything but convenient for either of us. (Dorian, if any of you don't know the canon, is a wildly, flamboyantly and 110% gay art thief.) I'd constantly have the police, Iron Klaus and possibly the KGB searching my place for stolen art, microchips, the pope, and whatever else Dorian has set his sights on lately (yes, he stole the pope once - don't ask). And Dorian would be constantly aghast at the way I dress, what my hair looks like, that I wear no make-up, that I can't tell a Lagerfeld from a Chanel - and don't care! -, and so on and so forth. Also, and worse, I would no doubt fail to admire him sufficiently for his stunning good looks, his amazing outfits, and the fact that he is simply wonderful.

And as for sex... *insert maniacal laughter here* Err. I really could not imagine a scenario in which I would successfully manage this feat, and that includes alien sex rays and mind-altering mutant spores. What's more, I really wouldn't want to try.

So... cliff, meet Dorian. Dorian, cliff. Sorry...

puddingcat gave me Sha Gojyo (Gensoumaden Saiyuki), Fujimiya Aya (Weiss Kreuz) and Tsuzuki Asato (Yami no Matsuei).

Tough choices, but the first bit was easy!

Marry Gojyo.

Because he is sweet and devoted and would love me with all his heart, and support me no matter what. He's also fun and smart and quirky, and (as an added perk) great in bed. Plus, he can deal with introverted people who need a lot of space. On the down side, he is clingy and needy and *messy as fuck*. But he's also willing to compromise, and nobody's perfect; I'm sure we could make it work!

Sleep with Tsuzuki.

This was a tough, tough choice. I really want to push both Aya and Tsuzuki off that cliff, because... let's just say they both aggravate me in different but similar ways. :-)

In the end, I asked myself which of them would make sex more unpleasant, and I bet that would be Aya. It's possible Tsuzuki might be able to let his hedonist side out for sex, as he can for food, and that could be fun. Aya, on the other hand... oh hell no. Awkward and selfish and rough and abrupt, much?

Toss: Aya.

It would be good form to utter some phrase of regret here, but I confess that shoving this guy gives me a lot of pleasure. Hah! Good riddance! *g*

solo____ also gave me Dean (Supernatural), E (Entourage), and Gojyo (Saiyuki).

After thinking about it for several seconds, I actually have to:

Marry E.

Because he is normal and sensible and level-headed and a nice guy, despite the nasty temper. He's fun to be around, not too bull-headed, doesn't have more than the usual slight nicks and dings of life... yeah, this could actually work out very well. He has evidently gotten over his crush on Vince too, which is good for our marriage (though not good in other ways *g*). :-)

Sleep with Gojyo.

I am very certain that would be great great fun. And he is sweet and nice and very nice to look at and has superhuman stamina, and is all about validating himself through making his partner feel good.

(Dean and Gojyo are neck to neck here, but I think that Gojyo would be more able to put his angst and damage aside. Also, while they'd both be highly skilled and considerate and eager to impress, I suspect Gojyo might be the more considerate one. It's a close call though! I really need a threesome to make a fully informed decision. I'd also be willing to just watch. *g*)

And somehow, tragically and surprisingly - but with a factored-in happy ending! -, that leads to:

Push Dean off the cliff.

Dean is definitely not the one I find least fascinating as a fictional character, but I really don't want to marry him; he's too damaged. Dean really, really doesn't need to be pushed off a cliff, poor abused broken-hearted woobie. But one of them has to take the plunge… and I'll pretend to be possessed so we'll both feel better about it. If he thinks it was just another demon, then it won't add to the trauma anyway.

And of course he'll be okay - he has a besotted angel watching over him. I'm sure he'll float down very gently to a safe landing. :-)


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