JE AU Madness: Sparkly Slaves in Space

Sep 21, 2008 03:15

The slaves arrive with the rest of the equipment, put into stasis for safe transport and shipped in crates. Ryo's in the cargo hold when they're brought aboard - he's going to be in charge of the anorganic matter lab, and he's determined to do a flawless job right from the start.

Right from the start means from two months ago, when he'd first received word that he's been accepted for the mission as Anorganic Specialist. He's chosen the equipment and supplies himself, ordered it from suppliers he's familiar with who he knows would not supply anything but first-rate quality, and now he's here two days before the start of the expedition to make sure everything's present and accounted for and everything's in working order.

This is his first deep-space expedition, and it's also his first job as Specialist. He's always been Assistant before, and the new responsibility is something he's very aware of. He's going to do this right.

The slave crates are immediately recognizable - they're equipped with far more elaborate stasis units, for one thing, and are decorated with the familiar graceful logo of one of the leading suppliers.

Ryo can't help but be impressed. JE? That's an expensive agency - the company certainly isn't sparing any expense on the equipment for this expedition, which only increases Ryo's fiery determination to prove himself.

He only looks briefly, out of curiosity, and even then there's nothing to see through the clear viewing panes of the slave crates but the faces of six men, all attractive, all serenely and peacefully asleep. Tasteful silver collars shimmer around their throats, polished to a high shine.

As he goes home to pack, Ryo feels a little like a kid who hasn't been able to stop himself from sneaking an early peek at his birthday presents. But nobody can blame him, really. Ryo isn't so new to the business that he expects his colleagues to provide much in the way of friendship - deep-space surveyors and prospectors aren't the most socially adept bunch. They'll be in space for months or years; those slaves will be Ryo's primary source of relaxation, companionship and distraction.

So, really. It's understandable. Nothing unprofessional about it, right?



They leave the solar system right on schedule, following the guiding beacons out through the rush-hour traffic in outer orbit and slinging out into space, and three hours after that they've settled all the systems into automatic mode and checked everything twice and cleaned up and gotten green lights on every system and back-up test.

Four hours after the captain calls them into the conference room and gives them his version of a welcome speech, which - with Captain Akanishi - consists of reading their names off a clipboard (he gets Senior Specialist Nakamaru's name wrong on the first try, even though he's been on an expedition with him before), listing their duties and responsibilities, and enquiring without much interest whether they have anything they'd like to say to introduce themselves.

They all mumble a couple of sentences of varying interest. Ryo was right not to count on his colleagues being any source of companionship, that's obvious right off the bat. Akanishi's completely uninterested and gazes out of the porthole while everyone's ticking off education, previous employment and hobbies. Senior Specialist Nakamaru - Ryo's superior - talks briefly about his qualifications and then segues into a lengthy discussion of the correct way to mix up a batch of PRG emulsion. Gas Specialist Koyama seems to try to think up hobbies on the spot without much success unless you count "thinking about the reactivity of noble gases". Organic Specialist Maruyama lists his job history in a monotone and then stops, and Ryo doesn't understand a single word of the short speech Metal Specialist Tanaka mumbles into his scraggly beard.

And then Akanishi seems to wake up with a small jerk, blinks a couple of times and then nods. "Right. Okay then, let's thaw the slaves and see what we have!"

Everyone suddenly develops previously unsupected enthusiasm and storms down to cargo. Ryo isn't prepared and is almost trampled in the rush.


Ryo's never seen a slave come out of stasis before, but it's kind of cool. They drop directly into awareness, no hesitation, no time necessary to orient themselves - but then Ryo guesses they have a lot of practice at this.

The first one - Kame - steps out of the crate with the grace of a dancer and goes to his knees in a smooth, beautiful sweep of toned muscle and bare skin. They all wear the short, one-armed tunics of leisure slaves, and those leave a lot of leg, arm and chest uncovered.

The ones that follow don't have quite Kame's grace, but it's still an awe-inspiring sight, and Ryo can feel his mouth go a little dry in anticipation.

The fifth slave comes out of the crate in an abrupt lurch and then stumbles and falls at the feet of Captain Akanishi, sprawled out into a heap.

They all stare at him for a moment. Then, the last slave - Hideaki - glides from his own crate and kneels with perfect elegance.

The fifth one - Junno, his crate says - picks himself up a moment later and assumes an acceptably graceful kneeling pose, but then actually *looks up and around the cargo hold and even at them all* before he subsides with his head lowered subserviently.

Akanishi takes his time, walking along the row several times, trailing a hand over muscular and slim shoulders that stretch into the touch, walking along behind them to admire the rear view.

Then he steps back. "Slaves - up."

They all stand up - and in the case of Junno, up and up and up.

For a moment Ryo just gapes up at him where he towers head and shoulders above the rest of the sleek and slinky, pretty things he was shipped with. Then Ryo looks around at his colleagues and is relieved they look just as startled and not inclined to make fun of Ryo for being surprised.

He has never seen a leisure slave this tall. And... he's also kind of bony - Ryo can see his ribs, where all of the others have perfectly toned, slim but not skinny bodies. And... are those *scars*?

Akanishi sighs. "I knew there had to be a reason this lot was cheaper than the last one."

They get to choose slaves according to seniority, as it turns out... and Ryo, being the youngest and most inexperienced member, has the least of it.

Three guesses which slave Ryo ends up with that night.


Well. He's pretty enough, Ryo guesses. Not as pretty as Hideaki, though, who Ryo had kind of had his eye on. And he's really very tall, and... but... whatever. No use wishing for the impossible, right?

"So, Junno," Ryo says, and settles himself on his bed, stuffing a pillow comfortably in his back. "What do you do?"

Junno kneels next to the door. He has nice shoulders and arms, Ryo notes - his legs are a little bony, and then of course there are the scars on his knee, but the curve of the back of his neck is gentle and pleasing, and his hair looks soft.

"What do you mean?" asks the slave, and looks up at Ryo.

Ryo gapes at him, speechless, and immediately, Junno blinks and drops his gaze back down to the floor.

"I beg forgiveness, master," he says softly. "I have behaved badly and given offence."

The tone of voice and the pose are both properly repentant, but Ryo is suspicious now. "How have you behaved badly?"

The pause is short, but noticable. "I have looked up without permission. And asked a question... and not anticipated your - the needs of my master."

The last bit sounds like it's thrown in as a kind of catch-all phrase. All of it sounds like Junno's just guessing and really isn't sure at all.

"It..." Ryo doesn't know what to do. He hasn't even had this slave for half an hour, hasn't exchanged five sentences with him, hasn't fucked him - is he already supposed to punish him? He doesn't even seem rebellious, just... inept and ignorant.

What, is Ryo supposed to be a slave trainer now or something? This isn't his job - he's got this slave to relax with, to be spoiled and pampered by, not to take on additional work and teach him things he should already know.

Ryo sighs and lets it go. "Whatever. I meant - do you sing? Dance? Play an instrument? What? But you know what, never mind. Just take off your clothes and come over here."

Junno rises gracefully and peels out of his tunic with no hesitation, and keeps his eyes down as he settles on the bed beside Ryo's knees - a respectful distance downwards, but easily within reach.

Ryo slides one hand experimentally around the muscular curve of a shoulder. There is a very slight pause, but then Junno leans into the touch pleasingly, turning his head a little to reveal a well-calculated glimpse of his throat, silver gleaming. Ryo trails his fingers to the metal - body-warm - and then slides them into Junno's hair. Junno half-closes his eyes and sighs a little at the caress.

He comes easily and willingly when Ryo pulls him up the bed.

Later, his mouth is sweet and skilled on Ryo's cock, and he is obedient and pliant and unhesitant about following Ryo's instructions. When he is spread out beneath Ryo, eyes half-closed and mouth slack and breath coming in shallow little gasps as Ryo thrusts into him in a driving, strong rhythm, it really doesn't matter anymore how tall he is.

Ryo fucks him again in the morning, this time from behind, and Junno tight and hot around him and squirms underneath him eagerly, rubbing against the bed like a little wanton, moaning.

It's a little overdone, but it feels good overall, so Ryo doesn't call him on it.

Ryo's disappointment over missing out on the better slaves has abated somewhat, he tells himself. And it's not like they're going to be stuck with the same slave all the time. Ryo will get his shot at the others - and until then he can deal with this one quite well.

His positive attitude lasts until he tells Junno to make breakfast.

crackfic, jpop, fanfic, au, junno

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