Sign up here for February Cards! And I promise this is the last time I harp upon the subject. :-)

Jan 22, 2008 00:52

There's still time for anyone who's interested to sign up for a February card here, if you haven't already done so! My paid account runs out on the 25th - until then, the poll's open. (I love polls... I'm going to miss them. But things being what they are, I'm not going to be giving any more money to LJ.)

If you don't like polls or LJ doesn't like me and won't let you fill it out, I also take email requests at worldsenough (at) gmx (dot) net.

Very belated note: I got one more Xmas card - complete with a really lovely Saiyuki story! Thank you, treneka - your card cheered me up when I was feeling pretty lousy. :-)

This is the first week I'm really feeling human again. Microorganisms of the world, take note: My quota of colds, stomach flus and other nasty bugs has been officially met for this year.
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