Quasi-NaNoWriMo Progress

Nov 02, 2007 23:33

No, I am not taking part in NaNoWriMo - but I am using the Merry Month of Novel Writing to push myself into making progress on a novel I've been working on for quite a while. It's already longer than 50,000 words, but has a long way yet to go.

My goal is to write 30,000 new words by the end of the month, using NaNoWriMo methods as much as I can. (I have serious problems with not editing while I'm writing and just letting the words fall as they may. It's not my nature. But I can do a reasonable approximation. *g*) I'm not going to finish the novel this month, but as long as I get the plot and the characters moving again, I'll be happy.

1075 / 30000 words. 4% done!

These words were all written yesterday. No words today - but I hope to catch up on the weekend.


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