If Ever a Whiz There Was: Five Worlds the Winchesters Never Visited (4/5)

Feb 13, 2007 22:33

Disclaimer: Not mine. In case anyone was wondering.
Rating: Gen, no rating.
Spoilers: None.
Notes: This is the fourth of five unconnected short stories crossing Supernatural with other fictional universes. I'll post the last one tomorrow. Feedback of any kind - positive and negative - is very much appreciated!
Betaed by solo____. Thank you again!
Previous stories in the series can be found here.

If Ever a Whiz There Was
by Sylvia

"You know, I hate to say this," Dean said after the house had settled. "But I don't think we're in Kansas anymore."

"That's because we're in Kentucky," Sam said, probably just to be contrary.

Dean rolled his eyes.

A brief look out the door confirmed that there was a pair of scrawny legs sticking out from underneath the front porch. The legs were wearing deep purple hose adorned by black spiderwebs, and the attached feet were shod in little black pointed bootlets that buttoned up the side.

At least that tornado'd had good aim. One wicked witch less to worry about.

"Just so we're clear," Dean said as he collected his gear. "I'm Dorothy. *You're* the cute little dog."

(Wizard of Oz)

crossover, supernatural, fanfic

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