often ignored facts about SPN

Nov 30, 2006 00:24

Apropos of nothing: Some observations and opinions. *g*

Five little-known facts about Sam

Sam doesn't just want "a normal life". He wants "a safe and normal life". (Safety comes first in canon and is hardly ever seen in fandom.)

Several years of college do not make you an expert on everything from medieval French poetry to astrophysics. Nor will you have read the entire literary canon of Western civilization, or learned Proto-Indo-European and Sanskrit.

The fact that Sam went to college - and did very well there - does not mean that he is a genius.

Being psychic does not mean you are an altruistic, sensitive, bleeding-hearted angel of compassion. Neither does it mean you are the End of the World.

Sam's Latin pronunciation does not support the idea he is: A. Cicero reborn, or B. any kind of linguistic genius. (In fact, it sucks.)

Five little-known facts about Dean

Dean's eyes are green. (I refer to the actor, and the police files to be observed in "Benders", if further evidence is needed.)

Dean is loyal, protective, supportive, and courageous, but his personality does not begin and end with those traits. He is not a dog. Witness the lack of furry ears and the presence of opposable thumbs.

There is no need to emphasize that Dean isn't stupid, because there is no canon indication that he might be. (The fact that Dean built an EMF detector out of a walkman is neither the only nor the most conclusive sign of intelligence on his part.)

Dean is not a misogynist, a chauvinist, or a despoiler of innocence.

From everything we see, Dean genuinely likes and is really good with kids.

Five personal opinions to round it off

The demon could have taken Sam as a baby, had it wanted to. It had ample time. It could have taken Max, too. Nothing was stopping it in either case. It didn't want to take the babies - it was doing something else, going through a ritual that was successfully completed. The death of the mothers was a planned and integral part of this ritual.

Sam would look better if the upper half of his face were visible.

Dean doesn't just like helping people - whenever he gets to know them at all, Dean likes *people*.

Dean is a pretty bad liar, particularly for all the practice he gets. (An exception is pretending to be something or other in order to gain access somewhere.)

Sam is very good at acting concerned and compassionate - better than Dean, who can't show emotions so openly without discomfort. This does not mean that Sam *feels* more concern and compassion.

Bonus opinion:
It wasn't a bad thing for the family relationships that Sam went away for several years, because this allowed everyone to gain some distance, and gives them a chance to break free of their old, worn images of each other and their set roles and patterns of relating to each other. Of course they automatically return to them at first, and many of the old resentments flare up again, but at the end of the first season, the old patterns are finally starting to loosen up. I don't think this would have been possible if the Winchesters had been together all the while.

Random fanfic-related thought

A general fact that I would think utterly obvious, but that fandom seems surprisingly unaware of: When you have just thrown up, the first thing on your mind is generally to get the nasty taste out of your mouth. This means rinsing out your mouth is a good first step... NOT kissing someone.

Seriously, people. This must be one of those peculiar fandom tropes, like "I am nearly dead from the flu / the black plague / multiple gunshot wounds / a dislocated shoulder and half a dozen broken ribs but come here and have sex with me and I will forget my sorrows and feel ever so much better". Sorry... but NOT.

That is all. ;-)

supernatural, episode commentary

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