Sleuth Fanfic: Dangerous Knowledge

May 30, 2020 14:57

Sleuth: Dangerous Knowledge

I wrote a thing!

Title: Dangerous Knowledge
Author: Sylvia / rheasilvia
Relationships: Sui Zhou/Tang Fan/Wang Zhi, Sui Zhou/Wang Zhi, Tang Fan/Wang Zhi, Sui Zhou/Tang Fan
Rating: Mature
Length: 3,931 words
Story Notes: Betaed by solo. Thank you again!

Summary: He will never forgive Wang Zhi for being careless enough to get himself killed like this: by a band of common thugs, barefoot and with his hair undone, in Sui Zhou's house, in front of Sui Zhou.

But then the thug manhandling Wang Zhi laughs, pulling him up short in the middle of the courtyard. He even shakes him a little. "Look what I found in Baihu Sui's bedroom. It's a boy!"

Sui Zhou acquires dangerous knowledge involving the Commander of the Western Depot, Tang Fan breaks new ground for romance novelists, and Wang Zhi is full of surprises.

ot3, fanfic, sleuth of the ming dynasty

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