Three random things make a post

Jan 25, 2016 19:22

I'm so bitter over a fictional couple's breakup right now, OMG. Anyone else watching Shameless and totally unwilling to move on from Ian/Mickey?

Also, I've evidently been living under a rock, because I totally missed the bruhaha about the OTW Board elections. Wow, it's like they're real politicians and/or managers... I'm sure there will be fanfic at some point.

I've bailed on a bunch of shows I used to love, which is sad. I do intend to pick them up again at some point, but they all had alarming developments and/or general tendencies that make me drag my feet. I know some of you are still watching Haven, Grimm and Game of Thrones (not sure about Person of Interest...?) - I may ask whether it's safe to dip my toe back in at some point. ;-)

In other news: I am still alive! My brainspace is limited right now, partly because I'm trying to write a sequel (when I have always been afraid of sequels). All in all, things are very thingy around here. ;-)
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