Pairing smush names

Apr 28, 2015 18:55

Some pairings have potential names that are just so good.

- Loki/Tony = Loony (what could be more fitting?)
- Brienne/Jaime = BJ (well duh)
- Kaner/Tazer = Kata (from a tantric discipline, of course)

Can you think of any others?


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Comments 7

ellensmithee April 28 2015, 17:01:57 UTC
rheasilvia April 28 2015, 17:06:31 UTC
OMG, that's perfect - what a missed opportunity!

Sometimes the ways of fandom are ineffable.


rheasilvia May 1 2015, 16:02:33 UTC
I just found another one: Draco/Hermione = Drone!


rogueslayer452 April 28 2015, 17:21:24 UTC
From The Hobbit: Bilbo Baggins/Thorin Oakenshield = Bagginshield (♥)

It's interesting how smushed shipping names came to be. I honestly don't know where it started (from fandom or from celebrity culture or both), but it's fascinating how popular they've become over the recent years. Most times the smushed names together just don't make sense and end up being utterly ridiculous and I prefer there to not be a smushed name for them, but sometimes there is a smushed ship name that not only works, it's also cool-sounding and fun to say. For me, "Bagginshield" is an example of that very thing. :)


rheasilvia April 28 2015, 21:25:05 UTC
That does have a nice ring to it! (Heh! A nice ring! Ahem. Sorry about that. *g*)

Yeah, most smushed names don't appeal to me very much, either - I'm usually fine with an old-fashioned Name1/Name2 or N1/N2 abbreviaton. But sometimes there's such a great smushing option, and fandom *still* goes with something different. Weird.


executrix April 28 2015, 21:03:29 UTC
Pepperony is my favorite Avengers smushname. Barnes & Noble for Bucky/Cap isn't exactly a smushname but I think it's great.


rheasilvia April 28 2015, 21:27:15 UTC
Oooh, Pepperony is nice! I do like that one. B&N is nice, too. *g*

Sometimes I just think fandom misses wondxerful naming opportunities. I don't mind Frostiron either, really - it's not bad at all. But why not go for the absolutely perfect Loony? It's a mystery...


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