How to Get Away With Murder

Mar 01, 2015 15:02

Huh, I really thought Annalise would turn out to be the murderer. Frank was a bit of a cop-out, IMO, because we never saw him and dead hubby conspire (unless I forgot?), and basically the murderer was still - unsurprisingly - dead hubby, though using someone else to carry out the crime.

Still, I'm happy with this aspect of the ending. Especially the last scene of Annalise and Frank standing over Rebecca's body squabbling and sighing in annoyance like the cold-blooded killers they both are. ;-)

What I wasn't really happy with was the surprise twist with Oliver and Connor, though not for the reasons I suspect most people aren't happy with it. I do think the "sudden deadly ailment" plot device is cheap and unnecessary, but whatever. Nowadays, being HIV positive isn't the automatic death sentence that it used to be, so it isn't as though the storyline will devolve into a Philadelphia-like horror story. (At least I certainly hope it doesn't, because that'd mean I'd be out.)

In fact, this should be interesting for the way it impacts Connor; it will put massive pressure on parts of his character that have already started to crack and reform in a different shape, and it'll be fascinating to watch the process, and the new shape that evolves.

What DOES bother me is Oliver's statement that he'd hoped Connor would be HIV positive too, so at least he wouldn't be in it alone. I don't blame the man for being brutally selfish in a moment as desperate as this, particularly since it's the kind of thought that you might have, and immediately be horrified by, and never ever truly *want* to come true. BUT this statement also just doesn't work at all if you think it through even slightly, because if Connor were also HIV positive, then it would very likely mean one of two things:
A - Connor is the one who infected Oliver.
B - Oliver is the one who infected Connor.

I would not expect Oliver to want either of these scenarios to be true. Either would pretty much spell the death of the relationship, and cause Oliver to either hate Connor, or hate himself.

Unless of course Oliver has had unprotected sex with someone else (spatula guy?), and this was partly why he insisted Connor and he should get tested in the first place? Which might be interesting because it makes it even clearer that Oliver is far less of a straight and narrow, by-the-rules arrow than he appears to be... as though this weren't obvious already after a full season of illegal and amoral hacking at the behest of someone who started out as no more than a random hot guy Oliver hoped to get laid by.

Has anyone but me been watching this? You should check it out, if you haven't already! This is a brilliant show. I loved the characterizations shift throughout the seasons, the utterly believable way the ducklings fell further and further into the dark spiral that started with the initial crime, all certainties, morals and inhibitions peeling away one by one. And I loved seeing how this revealed more of the essential people beneath all the trappings of upbringing and society.

It suceeded better with some characters than others, of course. It surprised me that next to Connor, my favorites ended up being Michaela and (of all people) Asher, as well as Bonnie.

I really hope this great show gets renewed! Any news on that yet?

other fandoms, episode commentary, how to get away with murder

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