
Dec 28, 2014 14:55

My books are now available on Amazon! :-)

To be exact, they've been available since just before Christmas, but I was too exhausted to post about it, and then went away for the holiday.

I suspect I should be cool and professional about this, but I am just ridiculously excited. (I already got a five-star review for Love for the Cold-Blooded! Wheee!)

Ahem. ;-)

My next move will be to make the books available on Smashwords and B&N, and to put out paperback versions of Love for the Cold-Blooded and Learning How to Lose, in Six Easy Steps.

Also, if you were wondering (worrying?), no, I don't actually intend to cross-post everything on my author website and this journal. *g* So if you want to know all the details - say, about book promotions, and what gave me the idea to write about part-time evil minions accidentally dating socially awkward superheroes, and all that kind of thing - come find me over there, or on Facebook.


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