15 characters meme: the stories

Aug 24, 2014 02:19

With a slight delay, I present my responses to the 15 characters meme! I absolutely love the questions I got - you guys are brilliant. :-) And I would so love to read some of these crossovers...

This was my list of characters:

1. Ray Kowalski (Due South)
2. Benton Fraser (Due South)
3. Lex Luthor (Smallville, early seasons)
4. Cameron (The Sarah Connor Chronicles)
5. John Connor (The Sarah Connor Chronicles)
6. Harold Finch (Person of Interest)
7. John Reese (Person of Interest)
8. Erik Lehnsherr (X-Men)
9. Charles Xavier (X-Men)
10. Methos (Highlander)
11. Buffy (Buffy the Vampire Slayer)
12. Spike (Buffy the Vampire Slayer)
13. Aeryn Sun (Farscape)
14. Morgana (Merlin, seasons 1 and 2)
15. Duncan MacLeod (Highlander)

Benton Fraser is running for office; Harold Finch is his campaign manager. The opponent is Charles Xavier; Aeryn Sun is his campaign manager. What are their platforms, and who wins?

Benton Fraser, very ably and subtly managed by Harold Finch, is running for mayor. He vows to do away with corruption and inequality on all levels of municipal government, as well as to further education, public health and social security.

His opponent Charles Xavier represents stability and old money, and promises to prevent unpleasant upheavals while gently reforming whatever needs to be reformed. Too much interference by the city would only make things worse, he says; things are already going quite well, and will continue to improve without radical measures.

Charles Xavier's choice of Aeryn Sun as his campaign manager is one that most of his supporters find unwise; she constantly needs to be held back from leading a more aggressive campaign than Xavier is comfortable with. In truth, he picked her simply because she impressed him with her fierce, single-minded determination. She reminds him of someone he misses a lot, and he likes having her around.

Fraser wins, which is slightly puzzling because he was the underdog. But the public loves an underdog story, Xavier is a good loser, and despite Aeryn Sun's suspicions about Finch, nobody can ever prove that the voting was in any way tampered with.

Blackmail! John Connor knows Erik Lehnsherr's guilty secret. What is it, and what does it take to keep it quiet?

Many aspects of Erik's life would be other people's dirty secrets. Erik, of course, is aggressively public about his bloody vendettas; publicity is a huge part of the point. When John Connor hacks into Erik's computer, however, he discovers Erik's secret archive of sappy and extremely bad love poetry. Threatening to send this poetry to the subject (who is not difficult to make out, given there aren't that many blue-eyed male telepaths involved in a decades-long frenemy grudge match with Erik) gains John Erik's support on a mission to the future, where Erik's powers are incredibly useful against Skynet's metal minions. Erik can immediately locate all models of terminators, and is the most effective weapon ever discovered against the liquid ones.

Once Erik has seen the threat to mutantkind, of course, no further blackmail is necessary. He enters a bargain with John concerning the rightful place of mutants, and they join forces.

Cameron is being interviewed and is asked which five of the other 14 people on the list she would invite to a dinner party.

Future!Cameron is participating in a publicity reel for the Resistance, and is initially puzzled to be asked such a pointless question. Then she decides that it is a tactical exercise, and chooses John Connor (because of course), Erik Lehnsherr (for sheer destructive potential against the machines), Buffy (ditto), Lex Luthor (brains and strategic genius) and Harold Finch (even more brains and programming genius). She doesn't understand the nature and scope of Morgana's power, or she might have picked her over Lex.

Is Erik's marriage to Buffy doomed or blissful?

Erik and Buffy have a very tempestuous, passionate but ultimately doomed marriage. Their goals and outlooks are just too different. They part as friends, however, and still regularly call each other for help when they need extra firepower in fighting mutant oppression or the latest hellgod.

If Benton Fraser, Aeryn Sun, John Connor and Harold Finch were teamed up, would they fight crime or be criminal masterminds? Who would be the group leader?

Benton Fraser, Aeryn Sun, John Connor and Harold Finch are definitely fighting the good fight. Finch is their leader and main hacker/IT guy, with Connor his right-hand man and robotics specialist, Aeryn the muscle and tactics expert, and Fraser the one with uncanny deductive and tracking skills.

How does Charles Xavier seduce Duncal MacLeod?

Charles seduces Duncan by tipsily sidling up to him at a bar and giving him his best bedroom eyes while hitting him with the lamest imaginable chat-up lines... such gems as "if I could be an enzyme, I'd be DNA helicase so I could unzip your genes" and "your lips look lonely, bet they'd like to meet mine". He is so absolutely awful at this while at the same time being so certain that he is the very incarnation of smooth that Duncan is highly amused, and charmed in spite of himself.

Ray Kowalski and John Reese are winners of [Country's] Got Talent - what is their act and what unfortunate country have they inflicted it on?

Ray and Reese have absolutely destroyed the competition in "Texas Has So Got Talent" with their trick shooting routine. In the beginning, Ray tries to insist they need to incorporate some snazzy dance moves into their routine, but Reese stubbornly refuses. They settle on crashing various vehicles through obstacles while shooting at targets, instead.

Fraser pretends to be vaguely puzzled by all this, while Finch rolls his eyes in exasperation. Secretly, of course, they are both rather charmed at this display of testosterone-soaked stupidity in the service of flirtation.

Lex Luthor, Cameron and John Reese have just been stranded on an abandoned space station! How do they cope and what do they do next?

Lex Luthor, Cameron and John Reese do quite well on the abandoned space station, with Lex and Cameron at once beginning to analyse the workings of the station, repair any damage and bring it under their control. Reese, meanwhile, checks the weapons situation, locates a shuttle that seems operational, and develops some offensive and defensive strategies. In no time at all, the station belongs to the three of them, and woe betide anyone who tries to take it from them.

Cameron and John Connor go on a road trip. Where do they go, do they get lost and argue about whose fault it is, where do they stop for food, and who forgot to pack the map, anyway?

Cameron and John Connor get separated from the rest of their group in an ambush, but turn it into a rather pleasant road trip after Cameron takes out the attackers. Cameron says it would be a good idea to lie low for a while, and John has no objections to spending some time alone with her. He whines about being hungry and not even having a map mainly to amuse himself with Cameron's reactions, and stops very quickly when she seems about to stop and raid some other travelers for supplies. In the end, John uses the car's radio, his laptop and Cameron to hack into a GPS satellite and determine their location, also locating a restaurant while he's at it.

Ray Kowalski, John Reese and Methos have a reality show. What is it about and what do they do on it?

Ray Kowalski, John Reese and Methos host a traveling show that focusses on experiencing those aspects of both seemingly familiar and foreign cultures that are generally less seen by tourists. In each episode, a group of contestants is let loose on a city or countryside with a set of tasks to complete, and strict guidelines on what is allowed. Tasks might be anything from preparing and eating a local speciality to taking part in some kind of treasure hunt or gaining a certain piece of information.

Ray is responsible for North America, John Reese for China and the Middle East, and Methos for the rest of the world.

Ray Kowalski and Lex Luthor are in a relationship. Benton Fraser, Erik Lehnsherr, Cameron, Harold Finch and Duncan MacLeod find out. What are their reactions?

Ray Kowalski and Lex Luthor surprise everyone they know by turning a meaningless one-night stand into a long and protracted string of vaguely more meaningful additional one-night stands, truly connecting with each other along the way, and then suddenly sliding into a committed relationship before either of them quite realize what is happening.

Fraser disapproves, although he will never say so. He doesn't trust Lex, and - to be entirely honest - feels constantly guilty around him because he can't help but feel slightly jealous. This leads to him being excessively polite and helpful towards Lex.

Erik snorts and calls Ray a damn idiot who deserves what he'll get. Cameron observes the matter with no particular interest, but saves the information in case it becomes relevant at some later point. Harold doesn't outwardly react, but privately thinks that the two might actually be good for each other, and that their different brands of neediness, idealism and cynicism may balance out nicely if they let each other in.

As for Duncan - he likes Ray a lot, but hasn't made up his mind about Lex yet. He's reserving judgement until a few more decades have gone by. Time will tell.

All 15 characters have to compete in a drag queen contest. Who are the top 5 finalists?

The finalists are, from 1st place down to 5th:

1. John Connor ("Cassandra Nova")
2. Aeryn Sun ("John")
3. Spike ("Iphigenia")
4. Lex Luthor ("Lucretia")
5. Benton Fraser ("Zarah")

Everyone agrees that John as Cassandra Nova is a gorgeous woman, and Aeryn as John a perfectly handsome man. The field thins considerably after that, however, and the remaining finalists are chosen more because the rest of the contestants are absolutely awful than because they themselves are any good.

John Reese bakes something for Aeryn Sun. What?

John Reese shows Aeryn Sun how to bake home-made explosives using only the contents of a normal kitchen cupboard and an oven. Aeryn ponders a bit, searches the kitchen and then comes up with a way to increase their effectiveness by a factor of five, using various common baking ingredients and silicone cupcake liners. Both are impressed with the other's skills and consider it an afternoon well spent.

Ray Kowalski, John Connor and Buffy are stuck in an elevator. What happens?

When Ray Kowalski, John Connor and Buffy are stuck in an elevator, Buffy at once wrenches open the access hatch in the cabin's ceiling and climbs up to see what's going on and if this is an attack of some kind. John hacks into the system with his cellphone to do the same. Meanwhile, Ray watches the two insane people he's in an elevator with very carefully, waits for someone to repair the damn elevator, and acts harmless and unthreatening.

It's not long at all before Cameron breaks through both the walls of the building and the elevator to free John, and Buffy takes exception to this because she misunderstands Cameron's intentions. But that's a different story.

Is Duncan still in love with Methos? How does Erik Lehnsherr feel about that?

Duncan is definitely still in love with Methos, although he thinks he being subtle about it (Duncan sucks at being subtle). Erik couldn't possibly care less, and will give anyone who tries to gossip with him about Duncan's wistful smiles and long work-out sessions a long, level stare that is likely to make the person in question feel oddly threatened, and quickly find someone else to chat with.

Ray Kowalski and Benton Fraser have a love child. Which actor should play said love child?

To the surprise of nobody, Ray Kowalski and Benton Fraser have a delightful bundle of joy they spoil rotten and teach to track a moose through the wilderness practically before she can toddle. When she grows up, she should be played by Katee Sackhoff.

The proud parents

The bundle of joy

meme, crossover, crack

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