Game of Thrones 4x08: The Mountain and the Viper

Jun 03, 2014 18:47

OH SANSA YES. I knew it! I knew she had it in her. Oh, she is going to be glorious and brilliant and dangerous as hell - the most dangerous of all the Starks. I love her so much.

The scene where she steps out on the balcony transformed, dressed as a ruler and holding herself like a queen… Lord Baelish doesn't stand a chance. Never mind little Robyn. (Also, with the feathers and all she reminded me a tiny bit of Winnowill, it must be said. *g*)

Is Sansa really going to be reunited with Arya? I had assumed none of the Starks would be together again before the end of the series, so I'm expecting not. Arya will probably turn back, mistakenly thinking that she has again arrived too late to find a relative alive. But it'd definitely be cool to see Arya and Sansa together now. They are both so changed from when they were together last, and have grown into such hard and dangerous women in entirely different ways.

Give them a few years, and the two of them working together will be the scariest thing this world has seen in a long, long time. I hope we get to see it.

OH SER JORAH NO. Although after my first reaction ("noooooo!"), I have come around to thinking that this is actually the best development for this character. He wasn't going to go anywhere in character terms, remaining at Danaerys' side.

Jorah has made some very bad choices in the past, showing himself to be both weak and corruptible. His last bad choice was not telling Danaerys that he entered her service as a spy - he should have done this as soon as it ceased being true, and would probably have been able to salvage his relationship with her. But he was a coward instead, and so inevitably (and rightly) lost her trust.

Now, we will see whether he has grown into a stronger and better man, or whether he is still as weak and corruptible as he once was. Jorah being cast out alone is really the only way for both the man himself and the viewers (and, of course, Danaerys) to find out what kind of person he is now, and whether he is worthy of being taken into anyone's trust in future.

Just don't die, Jorah. Please. Stay alive and prove that you are now a better man than you were.

I confess I do hope against hope that Jorah will return to be Danaerys' trusted right hand again at some point. Danaerys is going to be in trouble without him, that's for sure; recent events have taken pains to highlight how much she depends on and needs Jorah's counsel.

OH PRINCE OF DORNE YUCK. Was it really necessary to be quite so graphic about the man's death? And also, I am very sorry to see him go so suddenly and unexpectedly. I thought the character had a lot of potential yet, and his presence at the court stirred things up nicely by bringing in an unpredictable outside power. Maybe his ladylove will now take over his role to some extent, but she has far less power and so isn't going to be the same kind of political presence.

Plus, I liked the guy, and am simply sorry to see him go. But, yeah. Should have known better, Prince Whose Name I Don't Remember. Revenge really is a dish best served cold.

OH SHOW COME ON. You can stop trying to make us worry about Tyrian. Everyone knows nothing permanent is going to happen to him.

So what did you think?

No spoilers in the comments, please! I have not read the books and remain entirely unspoiled.

game of thrones, episode commentary

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