Almost Human S1, you lousy tease!

Mar 24, 2014 02:05

Here's the thing about Almost Human: The entire season was a long, unsatisfying tease. Fascinating topics were briefly mentioned and then immediately dropped again ( Read more... )

almost human, episode commentary

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naushika March 24 2014, 22:07:18 UTC
I checked BOTH "I love it" and "What a tease" because there are so many things I reallllly love about the show: IT'S SCIFI (not enough scifi on tv) with robots and cool future tech and DID I MENTION ROBOTS ESPECIALLY ONES WITH ARTIFICIAL SOULS? AHHHHhh. I also really like the characters that they've managed to develop so far. I mean Dorian is just.. a+!!

But I do have a lot of problems with the show too, many of which you went over in your entry. I was pretty much over the boring case-of-the-week stuff about 3 episodes into the show and I kept waiting for them to, like, rip off the sheet and reveal the heart and soul of what Almost Human is about. Did you watch Fringe? I kept expecting a Fringe-like moment ala end of Fringe season 1 to happen. Up til then, Fringe was very similar, lots of cases of the week, lots of hints of more stuff, but never really delving into anything. Until they finally did, and Olivia went to an alternate dimension, and bam, Fringe had a purpose from then out. I was waiting for that to happen with AH, and it just never did. The Wall in particular could be it, but they never went there. Sigh.

It feels like so much wasted potential! I can see a procedural buddy cop show anywhere. There's a dozen of them out there that are, honestly, better written. But I was interested in this show because of the setting, which brought with it interesting topics, eg artificial life with souls, ethics of enslaved robots, and I'm also very interested in the society portrayed in the show. It seems like almost a police state, with totalitarian aspects, the cops have a LOT of power here, and I find it slightly frightening but also interesting, and I want it to be explored darnit (how'd society get this way? why are people ok with it? etc). Like is that what Kennex's wife's terrorism group is all about? I mean they dropped that whole story like a hot potato so IDEK.

My expectations were just so high and the show fell so, so short. The only reason I kept watching past a few episodes was Dorian (the best part of the show for me) and Dorian-Kennex interactions (such fun).


rheasilvia March 25 2014, 12:59:01 UTC
Did you watch Fringe?

I did (though I am still stuck in the middle of the last season)! And YES, something that kicks the show into gear, the way the alternate dimension did for Fringe, would be wonderful for Almost Human. It could be The Wall, absolutely; or Dorian's mysterious memories; or...

Just as long as the android/human dichotomy remained central to the show, and as long as the show settled down to actually go into some of the issues is so far skips over like a hyperactive hummingbird, I would be very willing to go along with any good scifi premise.

I was interested in this show because of the setting, which brought with it interesting topics, eg artificial life with souls, ethics of enslaved robots, and I'm also very interested in the society portrayed in the show

I feel exactly the same way. They created a scifi world full of multi-faceted, exciting topics just waiting to be explored; then they failed to explore either the world itself, or any of the topics, and instead tried to make a buddy action cop show in a coincidentally scifi setting.

Like is that what Kennex's wife's terrorism group is all about?

Ever since the Wall was introduced, there have been hints that there might be a valid reason for revolt against this state... but we don't ever see enough of what is going on to form a real impression of, well, anything.



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