Almost Human S1, you lousy tease!

Mar 24, 2014 02:05

Here's the thing about Almost Human: The entire season was a long, unsatisfying tease. Fascinating topics were briefly mentioned and then immediately dropped again ( Read more... )

almost human, episode commentary

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amnisias March 24 2014, 11:33:11 UTC
I ticked I love it, but that's not quite it, I like it, because I find the procedural cop bits not that intersting half the time, I'm in for the relationships and world building.

I don't mind the 'teasing', I actually like it if stories develop slowly and things are mentioned not because they are goint relevant in the next 10 min but to for a 'later date'. I also like the intrigue of things being mentioned or introduced, but not explained, and leaving me to speculate. Obviously, all this only works if we get another season (or 4), otherwise it all really backfires and becomes a tease. Which I guess is why show runners don't like the slow-burn information dissimination, because you never know whether there is another season.

But I would agree that would have hoped that last episode had been a bit more stronger and unusual, I wasn't even aware that that was the finale until the week later when there was no new ep. So that was a bit disappointing.


rheasilvia March 24 2014, 12:39:50 UTC
You know, I think if they do eventually get around to exploring all the issues they've merely teased us with so far, then I will not mind the delay anymore, either. I actually consider myself a friend of the slow build, as well... I've merely never seen such a slow build on a series of this kind, which is probably why I've been assuming that if they haven't gotten anywhere by now, they are never going to.

Still, you're right that this may be unfair. It's fairly clear that the show is aware of all the narrative potential it's inexplicably not utilizing; maybe they are playing a really long game. Probably not wise in terms of ensuring the series gets off the ground and is extended, though...

I very much hope that we get another season (or, indeed, 4 *g*) and have the chance to find out!

I find the procedural cop bits not that intersting half the time, I'm in for the relationships and world buildingSame here! There are so many procedural / action cop shows out there - this show has (or should have) other strengths, and a different ( ... )


amnisias March 25 2014, 00:31:47 UTC
this show has (or should have) other strengths, and a different focus. I'm so with you there. Unfortunately, I think poor performance in the ratings means more procedural stuff, in an attempt to play it safe. So here's hoping next season gets good ratings so that the writers and producers feel safe to go 'off the reservation' and put the sci-fi in the centre of the show.


rheasilvia March 25 2014, 12:20:18 UTC
You may well be right - and IMO, this would be a definite and disheartening sign that some of the people driving this wagon have no idea of what they're doing. Viewers tuning into this show aren't going to be looking for a procedural cop show, for god's sake (and conversely, I very much doubt that friends of fast-paced cop action are going to be looking into an android scifi show to get their fix).


killabeez March 24 2014, 14:43:46 UTC
Me, too- I do love it, but not without reservations and wishing for more. The reason I pimped this show so hard is for its potential. It had glimmers of so many interesting things, and moments when I could see a show developing that I would love unreservedly.

Like you say, I like the slow development, but the procedural stuff wasn't always as dynamic as I would wish. I wouldn't have minded the tease aspect if I thought we were going to get more. I do wish, though, that the show would have taken a page from a show like Odyssey 5 in terms of pacing and developing an underlying mystery.

Then again, that just made Odyssey 5 all the more frustrating when it got canceled.


rheasilvia March 24 2014, 17:12:38 UTC
It had glimmers of so many interesting things, and moments when I could see a show developing that I would love unreservedly.

Yes! I feel exactly the same way. This show is set up to hit so many of my buttons.

Now I'm hoping more then ever that Almost Human gets another season. If it really is simply a very slow burner of a show, it would be tragic if it didn't get a chance to unfold. This show could be glorious.


killabeez March 25 2014, 00:16:40 UTC
If it really is simply a very slow burner of a show, it would be tragic if it didn't get a chance to unfold.

It's kind of ironic. I have a long history in fandom of a) being happy when my shows get canceled and b) wishing that they would. (SPN, I'm looking at you.) My fannishness thrives on possibilities and unanswered questions, so I generally become less and less happy with things the longer they go on. (Fringe and X-Files, I'm looking at you, too.) Almost Human is the first show I've watched in a long time where renewal news would be both a big shock and a huge "Yay!" for me.


rheasilvia March 25 2014, 12:44:32 UTC
Oh god, some shows really should be cancelled to prevent canon from going completely off the rails. Sometimes it'd simply be better to stop the show while it's good(ish), before TPTB manage to ruin everything that was good about it.

My fannishness thrives on possibilities and unanswered questions, so I generally become less and less happy with things the longer they go on.This is interesting! Is it just that you don't want every loose end tidily tied up with a bow and every backstory explored? Or does the fact that long-running shows often take a nosedive in terms of quality at some point (and/or start doing Weird Shit (TM) because the writers are all out of ideas and/or have lost all control of their own mythology) factor into it ( ... )


carta March 25 2014, 19:32:15 UTC
(oh god, Chris Carter has so much to answer for.)


rheasilvia March 29 2014, 16:13:14 UTC
He so does. At this point the very idea of him making another series displeases me intensely.


killabeez March 27 2014, 02:06:11 UTC
Is it just that you don't want every loose end tidily tied up with a bow and every backstory explored?

Yes, I think so? But also, you know, you read between the lines of what they give you, and sometimes the stories that you tell yourself are more satisfying than the eventual reveal. :) And also, the longer a show goes on, the more possibilities are closed off (by characters dying, relationships falling apart, etc.) and it's the possibilities that excite me.

Generally, two seasons seems to be ideal, although some of my very favorites have lasted only one.


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