The Originals

Jan 21, 2014 03:11

Started watching The Originals on a whim - and am glad I did! I haven't seen the latest ep yet, but I like it so far.

Pic and mild general spoilers up to The Originals 1x10 behind the cut. )

episode commentary, the originals

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rheasilvia January 21 2014, 21:10:56 UTC
But introducing it right from the gate? Couldn`t make up my mind if that was so stupidly brazen, it was cool again.

*g* There is that! For now, it's actually working perfectly well for me; it's just that I can't see it going anywhere good once the kid is born. For one thing, there's always the threat of the awful plotline of "love of his child redeems father", which, urgh. And also, babies just aren't very interesting plot-wise, so the only thing they'll be able to do with it is have people fighting over it all the time. One faction trying to kill it and the other trying to save it, and maybe a third trying to kidnap it because they think they'll be a better parent... yawn. I'm bored already.

Unless of course they do one worse and have the kid magically grow up. Which, yikes. Triple argh.

The one thing I'd kinda like to see is Klaus with a teensy daughter in a cute lacy dress, and the kid just as bloodthirsty and moody, unstable and murderous as her dad, both of them adoring each other to bits and terrifying the rest of the world. *g*

he is basically an overemotional tweener girl that writes angry poems in her diary

Hee! I like that description. :-) Yes, except I think she's more the type to publish her poems on her online blog, so that the whole world can share in her angst. *g*

I was surprised they didn`t retool him for his own show. So far he remains the same though I agree something has gotta give at some point.

Exactly! I'm very glad they didn't turn Klaus into someone different in The Originals; it would have sucked if they'd suddenly made him softer and kinder, and so more easily relatable, the better to carry his own series.

However, while I'm glad he's still the same canny, sadistic murdering mood-swingy emo "nobody loves me!!" Klaus, for a whole series centered on him to hold my interest there really will have to be some character development. It's good it's not too soon, and it shouldn't be either sudden or quick, let alone easy. But the first signs of Klaus attempting some kind of change should ideally turn up pretty quick, because I'm already getting tired of him always re-treading the same old paths. ("Klaus unsurprisingly being Klaus", as Elijah puts it. *g*)

It would be far more interesting to have Klaus evolve, scrape up the courage and strength to deviate from his usual patterns and see what that gets him - venture onto new ground. It'd also be so much fun to watch the others watch Klaus doing this and being all WTF???? about it. *g*

I'd love some flashbacks of other members of this disfunctional family, and how it got so disfunctional in the first place! Maybe we'll get some in the context of Klaus's werewolf father, and his relationship with Esther and Mikael.

(I have the perfect icon for emo poetry-writing tweener girl Klaus. *g*)


astri13 January 21 2014, 21:35:36 UTC
Unless of course they do one worse and have the kid magically grow up.

I`m kinda expecting that. They can cast another little brunette for it. *g*

The one thing I'd kinda like to see is Klaus with a teensy daughter in a cute lacy dress, and the kid just as bloodthirsty and moody, unstable and murderous as her dad, both of them adoring each other to bits and terrifying the rest of the world. *g*

In a way Klaus would be a great dad to a little girl. He would willingly have fancy pretend "tea parties" and stuff. :D

Yes, except I think she's more the type to publish her poems on her online blog, so that the whole world can share in her angst. *g*

And threaten pseuicide when she gets hater comments.

It would be far more interesting to have Klaus evolve, scrape up the courage and strength to deviate from his usual patterns and see what that gets him - venture onto new ground. It'd also be so much fun to watch the others watch Klaus doing this and being all WTF???? about it. *g*

I think all his plans would totally work then because noone would see nice, altruistic Klaus coming and plan accordingly. *g*

It would be like TVD where they spent the entire Season 3 trying to kill Klaus, coming up with one plan failure after another and then, when they teamed up with him to take down an even greater different thread, they accidentally managed to take out Klaus instead. The irony.

Most of all Klaus needs to learn to love like an adult or at least less like a toddler. Because that is his problem right now. He loves his siblings but only from a me-centric perspective. Meaning they can`t have lovers or meaningful relationships outside him, lest it takes away from their love for HIM. Yet when he is otherwise engaged, he kinda wants them to wait around for him like toys on a shelf. And THEN he doesn`t understand why they balk at that because, after all, he loves them and don`t they see that?

Kinda breaks my heart that Klaus after/when they were transitioning into vampires showed so much concern for Rebekah and none for himself. Or how he was so distraught over the death of his little brother. Where is that guy? He seemed more mature as a, what, early twenties? human than thousand years later.

My theory is this 50 odd years of unrelenting pyschological torment made him a lot more wacko than he previously was.


rheasilvia January 21 2014, 22:41:03 UTC
I`m kinda expecting that. They can cast another little brunette for it. *g*

Nooooo! But I'm afraid you're right - the magically aging miracle baby is probably what lies in store for us. It's just not something that I can see ending well, or for that matter working in any way at all. Even if they manage to find an actress we'll be able to tell apart from all the other little brunettes. *headdesk*

And threaten pseuicide when she gets hater comments.

And flounce twice a month because nobody appreciates her, and then sneak back in with sockpuppets and throw a tantrum because nobody bemoaned her leaving sufficiently. *g*

I think all his plans would totally work then because noone would see nice, altruistic Klaus coming and plan accordingly. *g*

That'd be fun to watch! :-) Although nice, altruistic Klaus isn't something I really want to see - just a Klaus struggling a tiny bit in the direction of caring for others in a more mature way, as you mentioned.

I think you hit the nail right on the head:
Most of all Klaus needs to learn to love like an adult or at least less like a toddler. Because that is his problem right now.

This, combined with his massive self esteem and abandonment issues. Klaus can't believe anyone can love him enough to stay on their own, let alone return to him after leaving, and his child-like reaction is to dagger them, stow them in coffins and take them along wherever he goes. See if they'll manage to leave him then!

I loved that Rebekah told Marcel Klaus will let Marcel back into his good graces easily enough, regardless of the fact Marcel betrayed him and tried to kill him. All Marcel has to do is pretend, and it will be enough; Klaus will accept it because he wants to have a loving relationship with Marcel, and the appearance of affection is basically all Klaus thinks he ever gets. Klaus is so desperate for closeness that he's willing to settle for the imitation that is all he believes he can have, rather than not have anything at all.

At the same time, he's afraid to try for anything more genuine, because he believes he will only fail, and that will hurt more than never trying at all. Cami's right that he's a coward in emotional terms... I really hope to see him gather the courage to put himself out there a tiny bit, and start to break out of his self-constructed emotional prison.

Klaus is a tragic character in many ways, and that's what I like about him. :-) But I don't want to see him endlessly going in circles. I want to see him start chipping away at his old patterns. Find a way to begin to heal.

Kinda breaks my heart that Klaus after/when they were transitioning into vampires showed so much concern for Rebekah and none for himself. Or how he was so distraught over the death of his little brother.

Do you remember which ep this was in? I want to watch this again now that my interest in Klaus has kindled. *g*

My theory is this 50 odd years of unrelenting pyschological torment made him a lot more wacko than he previously was.

That would set anyone back, let alone someone as vulnerable, sensitive and fundamentally insecure as Klaus. And of course, the worst betrayals by his parents and siblings came after he had transitioned.


astri13 January 22 2014, 19:37:16 UTC
Do you remember which ep this was in? I want to watch this again now that my interest in Klaus has kindled. *g*

It was "Ordinary People", Season 3, ep 8. I liked it because it gave a look at human Klaus, even through it was from Rebekah`s perspective.

Klaus can't believe anyone can love him enough to stay on their own, let alone return to him after leaving, and his child-like reaction is to dagger them, stow them in coffins and take them along wherever he goes.

The sad thing is he always had genuine love but because he can`t see that, he slaps it away over and over again. People give him so many chances and he doesn`t even see it.

But I don't want to see him endlessly going in circles. I want to see him start chipping away at his old patterns. Find a way to begin to heal.



rheasilvia January 22 2014, 23:03:27 UTC
Cool, thanks for letting me know which ep that was - I look forward to rewatching it!

And yes, Klaus is too caught up in his own fears and inferiority complexes to see clearly. Hence to door-slamming on his way to throw himself on his bed and cry angrily while composing poems full of blood and guts and true love. ;-)


rheasilvia January 22 2014, 12:20:02 UTC
Forgot to mention how much I love the image of Klaus having a fancy tea party with his little daughter. He'd enjoy the hell out of it, too. :-) Yeah, in some ways he'd be a good parent, and the kid would probably be good for him, too.

You know, one thing I realized is that we've never seen Klaus transform into a wolf - I think he doesn't want to do it because he subconsciously rejects that side of himself. But seeing as his kid will be 75% werewolf, won't Klaus have to reconcile with his wolf side to teach the tyke how to wolf out properly? And she can hardly be left to toddle around the woods on her own as a puppy.

The more I think about it, the more I like the idea of Klaus and a little girl, say about 5 or 6. Unfortunately, my gut feeling is that the kid will be kidnapped by someone or other, possibly the werewolves, and Klaus will only see her again when she's full-grown (or a teenager) and disposed to dislike him.


astri13 January 22 2014, 19:39:58 UTC
You know, one thing I realized is that we've never seen Klaus transform into a wolf

I think he only did it once, after he first broke the curse suppressing his werewolf side but you didn`t see more than the usual bones breaking, yellow eyes and then the aftermath.

Unfortunately, my gut feeling is that the kid will be kidnapped by someone or other, possibly the werewolves, and Klaus will only see her again when she's full-grown (or a teenager) and disposed to dislike him.

Joss Whedon should sue the hell out of them then.


rheasilvia January 22 2014, 23:05:28 UTC
Joss Whedon should sue the hell out of them then.

"That stupendously, horrifyingly bad plot twist was my idea first! How dare you be dumb enough to copy it!!!"

(But seriously. How CAN anyone be dumb enough to copy that. *headdesk* Here's hoping nobody is.)


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