Surprising intersection

Dec 11, 2013 00:11

Yesterday I had tea with a woman I know completely un-fannishly, and she asked me about my writing until I caved and told her that I'd also written a lot of fanfic. She was very interested and asked about the fandoms I had written in. I then immediately discovered she used to be a huge X-Files fan... when I tested this slightly by asking whether she knew who Alex Krycek was, she turned big eyes on me and said "of course I know who Alex Krycek is!" in a very "hello, excuse you" tone. She also immediately mentioned Tunguska. *g*

So then she continued asking very interested questions about whether she could read my fanfic, and I told her it might not be her thing because of all the explicit gay romance.

Long story short: I have just sent her "Gift of an Enemy".

This is an experiment of sorts: I've always been very shy about my slash fiction with people I know in non-fannish Real Life. Let's see how this turns out.

x-files, real life

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