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rheasilvia April 12 2013, 11:02:10 UTC

*g* Considering how everyone - including the show's marketing! - warned me that people dropped like flies on GoT, and that *anyone* could be next... no, so far the death count has been extremely low when compared to the expectations the show intentionally built (and what I heard from other sources). I'm actually kind of glad to hear that this will probably change soon, because I think there are too many narrative strands now. When it's impossible to give all major characters airtime in a single ep and they have to be spread over two, I think it's time to cut down on characters.

Although really, I'd be surprised if any of the plot-carrying characters bought it. So far, none has; Ned Stark in S1 felt like an absolutely necessary death in plot terms, and was neither sudden nor unexpected. I don't know which other major character you mean (Renly?), but so far, everyone who died has seemed to me to have lived out their narrative use, and to have far more interest and potential to drive the plot forward in their death.

Most people I've been expecting to die actually lived - Theon (boo), the nice overweight guy in the Black Guard (yay), Jaime (thought he was a goner quite a while ago, but now, probably he'll make it a bit longer), Cersei (doesn't really have a role anymore now), Sir Jorah (have been waiting for him to buy it ever since Dany started relying on him so much), Shae, Rob Stark and his boring bride (sooner or later he will have to buy it because his younger brother is So Important), Joffrey at some point in the not immediate future, the blacksmith Aria picked up (because I somehow doubt he's going to be king)...

OTOH, I think Tyrion, Aria, Danaerys, Bran and Jon Snow are totally safe. Not sure about Sansa, who right now doesn't have much of a part to play. She might be a casualty too, I guess, which would be a shame because last season, she seemed to have so much potential.

So overall, yeah, so far I have to say - nobody ever dies. ;-) But I await the change of the tides with interest!

if there's anyone I fear might swoop in and rule Westeros even though I don't want them to, it's Dany.

I would be very okay with that. :-) It seems a little too pat a solution, though - even down to her dragons' fire being the best way to fight the ice-born undead. Still, I'd definitely get behind her! Maybe she can marry Bran, though, ergh. Boredom.

I do hope I'm wrong, but Bran has always been presented as Majorly Important in a way completely out of proportion to his narrative role so far. And now what is basically a prophet turns up and answers the question of what he saw to bring him to Bran with "you, and that is all that matters"? Gah.

If it's a red herring, though, I would be overjoyed. :-)


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