Jan 11, 2008 17:12
"Remember that your work comes only moment by moment, and as surely as God calls you to work, he gives you the strength to do it." ~ Priscilla Maurice
I said I wanted to make an entry today.
I'm really enjoying small town life right now.
Work consumes my life. I want my weekends back. Maybe in February....
Dance is second. I am taking classes on Tuesdays. I am teaching on Thursdays and Saturdays. I may get another chance to substitute at Studio 68...
Chamber Singers will start back at the end of January. We are performing on Good Friday...I think.
Choir has started back and I am (almost) a back row Soprano (cool kids of the choir, IMO)
I have once again over-committed myself...
I'm on daily medication for my allergies/asthma. We will see if it starts to make a difference. Right now I am in a fog, which is kinda okay for a couple of days...but I hope I get used to the meds.
I have mailed off my Graduate School applications. We will see about that. I will probably have to try again next year.
I need to write thank you notes for those that wrote my recommendations.
I think I will end this rambling on and head home and go to bed.
Goodnight all.