May 13, 2006 16:13
Last year, I was given a binder full of study notes with the words "you'll appreciate this in Midwifery 3" - it didn't mean a whole lot to me then but I knew it'd be useful now - so I put it away somewhere "really safe". I just remembered I owned this little gem but had no idea where it was - I have moved three times since I got it and some of my stuff is still at my old place.....I called Catherine to make sure it was worth looking for - "It's absolutely perfect for what we're doing now - it has everything you need! It GOLD!"
So, the great search began - I looked high and low, even digging around in the basement (where Ian stuck a lot of my stuff that didn't have a place in the house yet) - and finally I noticed a box entitled "Rhea's Binders" - I opened the lid and there it was - shining up at me.
Having looked through it now, with an idea of the kind of information I am expected to master of this term, I have to say, it really is gold.....hallelujah