Apr 01, 2007 19:02
Well well well. I'm sick as, and not in a good way. I woke up last night with my ear aching like you wouldn't believe, and because I was half asleep I was convinced that something had crawled into it, based on the fact that I had found a big dead caterpillar in the bathroom and as far as I could tell there would be no way for him to get in there,so why couldn't another one crawl into my ear, right? I fell asleep again and when I woke up I was feeling more rational and realised my ear was just sore and I needed to go to the doctor.
Backing up a minute, we had rented motorbikes the day before and driven out to some waterfalls just outside the city. Yes, I can drive a motorbike now! It was so fun. And if I crash it I can just run away (well, hopefully) because all they took for collateral was my drivers licence and not a $3000 baht deposit like they were supposed to. Only in Thailand, I tell ya. But I'm not going to crash it because I'm a good driver. Knock wood. Plus I don't think it goes very fast actually, they are just little bikes. I think we'd just call it a scooter at home but since they call them motorbikes I will too, because it sounds a lot cooler. Oh and I would just like to point out that mine's pink.
Anywho the owner of the guesthouse decided to personally escort me to the doctor and I had to follow him on my bike. It turns out I have a nose and middle ear infection. So, onward with my second round of antibiotics in Thailand and now I've spent $30 on medical care.
Some other interesting things that have happened in the meantime were meeting up with a big group of people from the meditation and getting along really well with a few of them, and these are the people I've been riding around with for the last couple of days. It feels nice to have a group of friends! One of the guys actually lives here (though he's American) and he's in a band and invited us to see him play. There's this funny back alley which you wouldn't think to turn down otherwise and once you turn off that, there's a strip of reggae bars. It's so funny, all of them are reggae themed. I guess that eliminates competition. There's live music every night and lots of Thais go there too.
I also got lost the other day and...walked by a dentist's office, walked in on impulse, and had my teeth cleaned for $13. Nice. And yes everything was sterilized, he was certified, blah blah however it turns out I have the first two cavities of my life. I chickened out on having them filled yesterday so I have to go in tomorrow instead. Cross your fingers for me! It's going to cost $13 per filling.
At the moment I'm a bit woozy from the drugs and the unbalance and such and my street is closed for some craft markets so I'm playing it safe and not riding the bike. I'm going to leave here tomorrow evening and take an overnight bus to Bangkok, then fly out to Germany and go to Justyna Biene and Carmen! I'm sure I'll be bored in Bangkok as I have almost 24 hours there (my flight is at 3AM) so...email me and stuff,everyone!
Love you all!