I finally sold one of the comic trades (for those who don't know a trade is a volume collecting multiple issues) from my class. It was a Wonder Woman title too. I was a bit surprised, since she isn't as popular and I didn't exactly have it listed for cheap. At least not compared to a lot of the other items I had listed. I sold some of the stuff that wasn't getting any attention online at Powells, but I still have some stuff posted at ebay so I figured I'd stick a link in here in case any one of you few people on my flist are interested or are in need of a holiday gift for someone who might like such a thing:
shop.ebay.com/cainthemahdi/m.html (Also, we can arrange a sale outside of ebay, too-- that way I'm not forced to give them a cut).
There are two signed copies in there too-- so if you know someone who's a really big Wonder Woman and who particulaly loves Gail Simone's run, this could be a perfect gift for them. Likewise, I have a hardcover edition of Gotham Central signed by Greg Rucka. Both of these are significantly more expensive seeing as they are signed, but I am somewhat flexible.
Anyway, I imagine this is more or less in vain, but I need to advertise anywhere I can. :) And the holidays are coming up and these could be great gifts for the right people.