Dec 06, 2011 08:26

Welcome to Robin Hood Big Bang 2011!

This year, we're using the Big Bang to debut the initial chapters of several multichapter fics. Below, you'll find a table of contents for this year's offerings, including where authors will be posting updates.

Thanks to everyone who participated at every stage, and to everyone who comes by to read the fics and view the art!!

The Alchemy of Love
PROLOGUE by an_lagat_glas
Characters/Pairings: Guy/Marian/Isabella/Robin (Guy/Marian, Marian/Isabella, Isabella/Robin, Guy/Robin); a teeny bit of Allan/Will/Djaq. A few necessary OCs.
Rating/Warnings: R. There will be violence, mention of domestic violence, and explicit sexual content in later chapters.
Summary: During her last Nightwatchman gig before her marriage, Marian is caught while helping a woman in need through the forest. Grateful for her aid, Isabella convinces her brother to spare Marian and a friendship is born. Though each have their own goals, Guy, Robin, Isabella and Marian are forced to work together to heal old wounds, learn to trust, and ultimately save Nottingham.
Updates: At Archive of Our Own and the author's journal.

Different Directions
CHAPTER 1 by emmithar
Characters/Pairings: Robin/Marian
Rating/Warnings: PG-13; AU.
Summary: Robin suddenly finds himself in a different world, a twist of time, in where he did not travel the Holy Land. While it gives him what he wants the most, a life with Marian, he soon discovers that life in Nottinghamshire is far worse than he had ever imagined. Being used as a pawn by the sheriff, Robin must find a way to right the wrongs, but furthermore try to discover what happened to his previous life, or if this new reality always was the way things were...
Updates: At Fanfiction.Net.

Secret Missions, or: Outlaw Stories from Another View
PROLOGUE by kegel84
Characters/Pairings: all the s1/s2 main characters, two "OCs" ;-), Robin/Marian, Will/Djaq/Allan
Rating/Warnings: PG-13, no warnings.
Summary: The sheriff is trying to find spies, Allan is playing both sides, and the question is whom one can trust at all.
Updates: At the author's journal.

The Story of Your Life
CHAPTER 1 and ART by shinysparks
Characters/Pairings: Guy/Kate; will later torment the gang and probably Isabella.
Rating/Warnings: R for sex, violence, and profanity
Summary: The adaption to forest life had been going well for Guy of Gisborne... at least until a serious lapse in judgment in a moment of passion caused him to do the unthinkable: have sex with Kate Potter. Now, with a baby on the way, he and Kate must not only learn to be parents and raise a child in the forest, but also to tolerate each other for more than five seconds...
Updates: At the author's journal.

The Sum of Our Choices
CHAPTER 1 by roh_wyn
Characters/Pairings: Marian, Robin, Allan, Djaq, Will, Guy of Gisborne, Vaizey, OCs (in approximate order of appearance).
Rating/Warnings: PG-13; no warnings for this installment
Summary: On a trip to his favorite tavern, Allan makes a gruesome discovery that has dramatic consequences for everyone, and especially Marian.
Updates: At the author's fic journal and possibly Archive of Our Own.

Travelers Returned
PROLOGUE and CHAPTER 1 by ladykate63 and tangofiction
ART by ladykate63
Characters/Pairings: Marian, Guy, Djaq, Will and Isabella in Chapter 1; in later chapters, also Robin, Allan, Vaisey, Much, Little John, Tuck, Kate, Prince John, King Richard, Eleanor of Aquitaine, several other canon characters as well as OCs. Guy/Marian, Robin/Marian.
Rating/Warnings: PG-13 in Prologue and Chapter 1, will go up to R in later chapters with some NC-17 material.
Summary: Believed to be dead in the Holy Land, Marian of Knighton returns to Nottingham to find herself embroiled in political intrigue, conflicted over her relationship with Robin, and forced to deal with a man she never expected back in her life: Guy of Gisborne. Mostly follows S3 canon up to the start of 3x08 ("The King Is Dead, Long Live the King").
Updates: At Fanfiction.Net and Archive of Our Own.

**Some entries from all years, including 2009's bigbanghood, can be found at Archive of Our Own**

table of contents, 2011

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