World of Warcrack ...

Jan 19, 2010 10:39

For those not interested in World of Warcraft ... you might want to stop reading now.

For the second time since I started playing World of Warcraft, Blizzard has managed to seriously piss me off. As some of you know, I am in charge of a small casual raiding guild on the Horde. I play a Tauren druid that can be both a tank and a healer.

Recently our guild started raiding the newest raid in Northrend, and finally go after Arthas ... many years after his fall from grace in Warcraft 3. Our guild being a 10-man normal raiding guild did fairly well in december as we managed to down all four bosses in the first wing and pretty much can beat the crap out of all four bosses in there. Including the Death Knight Saurfang the Younger, who at first gave us some pause.

All our regular raiders are in item level 232 gear or better, but we're mostly decked out in 10-man normal TOC-10 gear.

Two weeks ago we first encountered Festergut, a gear check similar to Patchwerk way back when in Naxxramas-10 .. We have tried him several times now in various combinations of healers and dps. And we run into the same problem each time, in order for us to take him out there need to be 12 of us. We need and extra healer and an extra dps, but for obvious reasons, we only are allowed 10-people in a 10 man raid.

I expected Festergut to be hard, I don't mind hard ... I do mind impossible ... we've ran the numbers .. .we've checked our dps ... we've checked our tanks and healers. Our people are doing as good a job as can be expected from their gear level, which leads me to believe that Festergut was designed to be taken out by people in gear far superior to ours. The problem here is that people in gear far superior to ours don't need the gear that drops from Festergut, so they aren't as interested in trying to kill him as we are.

This fight is intended to be fought by people like us, 10-man normal geared people. But right now it is impossible ... so we're stuck ... no way to go forward for us without venturing into the areas that we're not interested into going. And sofar all Blizzard has said ... is that there will be a buff to everyone about 2 months from now so less geared people can start taking things out.

We're not less geared, we have 10-man normal raiding gear ... we've geared for this fight ... why isn't it aimed at us ... I don't care that if they made it easier it would be too easy for the Hardcore raiders that do 10-man heroics, that do the 25-mans or 25-man heroics. They can play the game at their level and be challenged, just like I want to play the game at my level and be challenged.

I love playing this game, and I hate being discouraged from playing it... because the company producing it cannot do simple math ...

blah ...

wow, blizzard

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