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May 28, 2007 20:57

When I first went to San Francisco, I thought “I can’t believe all the buildings are so small.” I figured big city meant big buildings, but that’s only the case off a fault line.

Then I thought, “I can’t believe how dirty this city is.” But find a large city that doesn’t have putrid sidewalks (outside of Canada).

Then I thought, “I can’t believe how much of a painstakingly hip sell-out Haight-Ashbury is.” But where hasn’t 60s counterculture become commoditized and gentrified?

Those were the big three shocks seeing this city, because popular culture and baby boomers raised me to think only of the Summer of Love when I thought about San Francisco. I’m glad to get rid of all those misconceptions (I get enough post-hippie in Marin, thanks). So there’s grime and panhandlers and crowds of people and shitty traffic most days. But it’s San Francisco. I get it now.
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