Oct 03, 2003 21:06
It sure has been a VERY long time since I've the precious free time to update my journal. I wonder how long it has been. I've just had So0o0o much going on. First I got this swimming thing where I HAVE TO go 4 days a week 2 hourss a day. It's SUCKS! horribly. Then I got all this schoolwork that I have to do or else I'll fail like a total loser. AND ALSO on top of everything else- My grandpa died! It sucks. He was such a nice guy. He could talk to ANYONE. He was a working man. More than half the people that came to his funeral said that he had built their house. That's pretty unusual considering that most people end up with a lawsuit with their homebuilder. But no, everyone loved my grandpa. Like I said, he could talk to anyone. We went to the chinese market with him and my chinese aunt and he ends up talking to the owner saying "How's business?". He could ask anyone anything. It didn't matter if it was the queen of England or the garbage-man, my papa was the greatest. My mom was really upset that he didn't get to build OUR house. She said it seems like he built everyone elses house except ours. I'm really going to miss him. So much. :'-(. What happened was that he had a hernia. He went into the doctor and they removed but in the same day they removed it, they decided to give him a chest X-ray. The results come back and it turns out he's got this HUGE anurism under his collar bone. So the doctors took him into surgery and removed the anurism. To do so, they had to cut through his collar bone.eeewww..... THEN- they figure out he needs bypass surgery on his heart because all the veinsa were diseased and stuff. So they do that and it's all done. the entire thing took a total of THIRTEEN HOURS. He was really sick for a while, then things got worse. His liver failed, his kidneys failed. GRR...it all sucked. He oculdn't even talk. It made him so sad that he couldn't talk. He LOVED to talk. It made me sad that he couldn't talk. I went to visit him and things seemed like they were getting better. Mom and I left and I didn't go back to school. Let me mention that most of this was during hurricane Isabel. On saturday, september 27th, the doctors at the hospital gave my mom a call and said that they didn't think he would make it htrough the night. In the morning my mom rushed down the four hour drive to the hospital ( I didn't menntion that this was all at a hospital in North Carolina). My mom got there and he was still alive. My grandpa, he was a fighter. My said that she loved him and then he went flatlined. It's a truely sad story. It makes me cry. I really loved my grandpa so much. It makes me cry whenever I see his picture. I'm really really really going to miss him. But one thing that makes me happy is that he doesn't have any more pain. He was in SO MUCH pain. I wish he could still be here doing well again.
The last time my brother saw him was during the fourth of July. Our family always has this huge family reunion somewhere near the fourth of July. Funnily, Tyler, Sam's best friend, was dragged along with us, as he was to Myrtle Beach. Tyler thought our grandpa was really cool. The last thing that they remember about him was him waving goodbye and saying "Ya'll have a safe trip". It's really cool that Tyler came down to the funeral with us. He's a member of the family. On the funeral brochures with all the names of relatives and stuff, sam and I added-"Tyler Longest-grandfriend". His parents came down too. His family is really nice. Tyler is a member of our family. I say that's a really good friend when you come to your friend's granpa's funeral even if you only got to meet him a few times. That means a lot to all of us.
I'll never forget when we were down there with Tyler for the fourth of July and we ate our aunts house for chinese food. My aunt is chinese. well, she makes all this chinese food and my grandpa look at's this thing and he asks "Now, what is this, Cay?". and she said "That's a green bean". It was hillarious. I'll never forget my grandpa. Love-wasn't here-bye