Hello, my babies!

Dec 31, 2006 00:30

Okay, so, I missed a few holidays between now and the last time I posted, so: I hope you had a very happy and merry and generally nice Hanukkah/Christmas/Solstice/Kwanzaa/Yuletide. Basically, whatever you celebrated ('Yay, no work and/or school' is very popular, I'm told), I hope it was joyful, or at least, not so painful. I personally had a wonderful, if stressed, holiday. I got a Rubik's Cube! I haven't solved it yet, but I'm getting there. Well, not really; I'm actually pretty much super bad, and am no closed to solving it them I am to being a banana. But, whatever. It's fun.

Oh hey, it's tomorrow! Happy New Year's Eve, y'all. (Hah, see? I didn't miss all of the holidays.)

I think I'll go update my Book List of DOOOOM! now. Or possibly go to bed, since I can't focus my eyes properly any more. Nah, sleep is for sissies!

craaazy, good tidings

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