Last night I spent some time coloring a little sketch I did early last month. I've been slacking on coloring stuff, both LXF comic pages and my own artwork, so I decided to try and get this one coloring job done for this sketch of Salen dressed up as
Mordecai from Borderlands. I'd have posted a link to the inked version I posted on FA, but FA's a bit SOL right now. So back to coloring...
I decided to color Salen's fur with a 'furbrush' that I only use when I'm bored and want to try something different. I guess I wasn't really paying attention to how it turned out last night because I was feeling sort of 'blah' about the experience in general. The brush is a pain to use and very time consuming. But when I popped open the PSD file this morning at work, I realized that the effect it created with Salen's fur was really really good. The fur actually looked soft and ferrety. No clue how I did it, but I did.
So yeah, happy artistic ferret.
PS: Happy B-day