
Nov 14, 2008 21:46

Okay, I watched the new Batman: The Brave and the Beautiful Bold, and I have just 2 words that describe how wrongity wrong the cartoon is:

Light. Saber.

That's right. Green Arrow threw Batman's utility belt to Bats, and so without missing a beat, Bats grabs one end of the belt and pulls forth a lightsaber from it like the belt was some stupid lightsaber scabbard. And then he sliced up a robot clock thing with it.

Time to put rocket jets on the batskis, because Batman's gunna jump that shark in a single bound.

Seriously, whoever thought that was a good idea needs to have someone take a two-by-four across their head. Otherwise the episode was okay, but that one thing did not do anything to impress me with the series.


superheroes, wtf?, dc

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